
close up of a sculpture, circles with metal mesh, yellowish cat to the photograph
event | Colloquium


  1. Research in Art, Science and Humanities
  2. With Margherita Pevere and Dolores Steinman
20 September 2022

The Colloquium addresses an international interdisciplinary research audience to present and discuss past, present or future projects by artists, scholars, curators or editors from the fields of art, science and the humanities, focusing on the work-in-progress.

event | Walk & Talk


  1. Rituals and Reflections
  2. Walk & Talk | Nenad Popov & James Whitehead
18 September 2022

With media and sound artist Nenad Popov and biologist James Whitehead participants will investigate the impact of drought and climate stress on the Panke river. How have low water levels effected nearby soils and vegetation? What signs of urban civilisation – like trash, but also river engineering – are being uncovered?

event | Walk & Talk


  1. Meandering – Or, the Rights to Flow
  2. Walk & Talk | Sybille Neumeyer & India Mansour
11 September 2022

Together with microbial ecologist India Mansour and artist Sybille Neumeyer participants will trace the constant transformations that surround the Panke, meandering with the past, present and possible futures of the river. Considering the cycles of biological, cultural and political matters, the group will tune into the multiple voices of, in and around the water.

event | Festival


  1. Program Overview
  2. Festival with artists and scientists
September - October 2022

Art Laboratory Berlin welcomes you to the HACK THE PANKE Festival on art, science and sound in Berlin Wedding during summer 2022. The festival takes place as a part of Draussenstadt Call for Action program. All the events are free. For taking part in the workshops, it is necessary to sign up.

event | Film Screening


  1. Tales of Weird Science and Cosmic Covenants
  2. Film Screening | Tad Ermitaño
3 September 2022

Tad Ermitaño will show some of his film and video works, sketching an uneasy field in which a facility with technology collides with a kind of postcolonial guilt slamming its head against the limits of empiricism.

event | Performance


  1. Virophilia
  2. Performance | Pei-Ying Ling + Soydivision
11 June 2022

This performance is the experiential version of project Virophilia, which explores the futuristic possibilities of using viruses in culinary experiences – an experiment of alternative perspectives through eating, drinking, and storytelling.

event | Workshop


  1. Seokkeodungdung: Doing “Social Fermentation” 
  2. Workshop | Rice Brewing Sisters Club (RBSC)
4 June 2022

RBSC will introduce their new project that works as a culturing home for microorganisms collected from rice, soil, and human hands, explaining their approach of “seokkeodungdung,” a socio-microbial experiment of mixing, floating, caring, and situating “in the field.”

event | Workshop


  1. Khipu Dialogues
  2. Workshop | Constanza Piña Pardo
25 May 2022

The workshop is an open conversation about Constanza’s khipu research, the uncertainty of the past and a ritualistic connection with the ancient technologies of South America. Starting at Art Laboratory Berlin we will explore original khipus in the archives of the Ethnological Museum.

event | Workshop


  1. Soya C(o)u(l)ture. Ecoprints on Bioleather
  2. Workshop | Irene Agrivina
28 May 2022

In the workshop the artist will introduce the concept of SOYA C(O)U(L)TURE and talk about the process, show samples and then lead the participants in making their very own eco-prints using easily available materials such as flowers and leaves.

event | Conference


  1. Collective Experiments in Social Fermenting
  2. International Conference (hybrid | on-site and livestream)
27 - 28 May 2022

The project discusses artistic ways of rebuilding and re-energizing damaged social relations after the pandemic. The international conference includes presentations by artists, currently on show at ALB, and guest speakers from the artistic and curatorial practice, design, biology and anthropology.

event | Talk, Workshop

DIY Bio Lounge

  1. in cooperation with Rüdiger Trojok
24 - 26 January 2014

To open our 2014 programme Art Laboratory Berlin will be presenting three days of events on open source biology and micro-organisms organized with Rüdiger Trojok and in connection with the transmediale and CTM festivals

event | Course, Meet up, Talk, Workshop

Bio & Beers

  1. with Biotinkering e.V.
  2. Dr. Mirela Alister, Rüdiger Trojok, Alessandro Volpato and Biotinkering e.V.
25 August 2016 - 20 April 2017

The Bio & Beers format is for everyone: we start with a 20 minutes presentation, followed by discussions while having beers. In addition there will be occasional DIY workshops!

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event | Talk, Workshop


  1. DIYBio faire
  2. Biotinkering e.V.
17 - 19 February 2017

The three-day bio-fair brings together the players in the Berlin biohacking scene for a series of hands-on workshops, talks and a special exhibition featuring unique DIY laboratory equipment.

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event | Workshop


  1. Vivian Xu
8 June 2019

The Silkworm Project Workshop gives insight into the artistic research and practice by Vivian Xu and offers a hands-on part, based on the artist’s at ALB of the same name. Participants were each given silkworms to take home and raise, hand-reared by the artist in Berlin.

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event | Talk

VIRAL CLOUD | Berlin Tokyo

  1. Hybrid Arts and DIY Bio Cultures
  2. Fara Peluso and Sachiko Hirosue
17 January 2021

Since spring 2020 Art Laboratory Berlin and BioClub Tokyo have been arranging online meetings between hybrid artists and associates in our respective cities and beyond. In our 12th meeting we feature presentations by designer and bioartist Fara Peluso and Bioengineer Sachiko Hirosue

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