event | Talk, Visit
- Open Studio and Talk
- Helena Nikonole | Winter Studio Residency
2 February 2025
Meet the artist in her current winter studio residence at Art Laboratory Berlin. In her talk Helena Nikonole will explore how artistic practices can challenge centralized systems of control through two of her current projects, which she is continuing to develop during her winter residency. One project deals with generative AI systems and political biases; the other project explores decentralized communication networks.
event | Residency, Talk, Workshop
- Winter Studio Residency 2025
- Helena Nikonole
January - March 2025
Art Laboratory Berlin is pleased to announce that Helena Nikonole has joined ALB’s residency program. Nikonole is a new media artist, independent curator, researcher, and educator whose work explores the intersection of art and technology. Her fields of interest include bio-semiotics, hacktivism, and Artificial Intelligence, a subject she has been exploring since 2016, developing critical and artistic approaches to this rapidly evolving field.
event | Residency, Talk, Workshop
- Biomaterials and Discard Studies
- Elizabeth Shores
Residency (23 - 25 May) and Workshop (25 May)
In connection with their spring studio residency at Art Laboratory Berlin, artist educator Elizabeth Shores invites the public to learn more about their current artistic practices between 23 until 25 May. There will be an artist talk and workshop on 25 May 2024.
event | Meet up, Talk
- Georg Tremmel, Hideo Iwasaki, Henry Tan, Soyoon Ryu, HyungJun Park, Elaine Regina, Art Laboratory Berlin
11 February 2024
During the pandemic Art Laboratory Berlin and BioClub Tokyo arranged a series of 14 online meetings between hybrid artists and associates virtually connecting Berlin with Tokyo as well as other locations. We are happy to present VIRAL CLOUD Reloaded together with our colleagues for an afternoon/evening of short talks and discussions
event | Talk
- A Discussion
- With Oscar Salguero, Institute for Interspecies Art and Relations, and Onomatopee
28 January 2024 (online)
Join Art Laboratory Berlin during Vorspiel 2024 – a citywide program of events before and during the transmediale and CTM festivals – for a virtual panel on archiving and publishing practices that envision artist books as tools for interspecies understanding, imagining, and kinships. The discussion is organised and moderated by Kristina Stallvik.
event | Lecture, Talk
- Performing the Sublime Sea of Co-Mattering
- Online-Talk | With Mary Maggic
22 November 2023 (online only)
Biohacking methodologies produce an existential knowing in our bodies and environments, leading to collective strategies that may help us out of ecological ruins. The talk describes how biohacking, as a xeno-feminist practice of care, can inevitably lead to a form of world-making, where collectivities can emerge with a radical breakage from the past.
event | Talk
- Artist Talk
- With HyungJun Park
8 October 2023
In the framework of the exhibition ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Exposing the Invisible: Data, Rendering and Code, the artist HyungJun Park and the co-curator Tuçe Erel talk about the exhibition. The conversation will take place on 8 October 2023 at 1 pm CET and will be live-streamed over Art Laboratory Berlin’s YouTube Channel.
event | Book Release Party, Talk
- Zine Launch, Reading, and Curatorial Tour
- With Kristina Stallvik, Li Yang, Kennith Rosario, Lebogang Mokoena, and Hana Peoples | VENUE: alpha nova & galerie futura
28 September 2023
Welcome to a zine launch presenting the results of a research workshop, conceived by Kristina Stallvik (Alexander von Humboldt German chancellor fellow) and Li Yang (Alexander von Humboldt German chancellor fellow). The event will take place at alpha nova & galerie futura, Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin.
event | Talk
- Arts of Vulnerability
- Artist Talk | With Margherita Pevere
24 August 2023
What does it mean to be vulnerable – and what may leaks tell us about bodies and environments in posthuman terms? Dr Margherita Pevere has addressed these questions through bioart and performance. In context of the current event series “Permeable Bodies” at Art Laboratory Berlin she will speak about her two concepts – ‘arts of vulnerability’ and ‘poetics of uncontainability’.
event | Talk
- Self-Care
- Artist Talk with Lyndsey Walsh
25 June 2023
Self-Care is Lyndsey Walsh’s artistic attempt to reckon with ruptures in their identity caused by the rising use of genetic diagnostics in medicine. Using Lyndsey’s own body, Self-Care weaves a narrative about health, gender, and identity that seeks to resist the confines of the medical gaze. This talk will explore the larger body of research that has given way to Lyndsey’s artwork.
event | Talk
- In Extraterrestrial Space, All Bodies Are Trans Bodies
- Artist Talk | With Adriana Knouf
Through references to her own artwork, scientific research, and speculative fiction, artist Adriana Knouf will show in her artist talk how we must embrace our existence within the unsettling domain of being constantly in-transition and the new affordances that that domain provides. Knouf argues that bodies exist in a state of constant transition: growth, death, transformation, renewal.
event | Talk
- Artistic Research on Climate Crisis
- Artist Talk | With Sybille Neumeyer
23 April 2023
In the framework of the exhibition Vicious Cycle there is an artist talk with Sybille Neumeyer about her work, souvenirs entomologiques #1: odonata/ weathering data. souvenirs entomologiques #1: odonata/ weathering data is a single-channel speculative video essay and installation by Sybille Neumeyer, that explores the entanglements of humans, weather and insects in a data-driven world in times of climate crisis.
event | Talk
- Artistic Research on Climate Crisis
- Talk | With Cammack Lindsey and Charlotte Schampera
26 March 2023
In the framework of the exhibition Vicious Cycle, on 26 March, there is an artist talk of Cammack Lindsey, together with the scientist Charlotte Shampera (TU Berlin, Water Quality Engineering).
event | Residency, Talk
- Presentation of Winter Studio Residencies
- Fara Peluso | Sarah Hermanutz
27 - 29 January 2023
In connection with their winter studio residencies at Art Laboratory Berlin, artist designer Fara Peluso and artist Sarah Hermanutz will invite the public to learn more about their cuartistic practices on from 27 until 29 January 2023, with a public conversation on 29 January 2023.
event | Talk
- Notes on Somatodelia
- Artist Talk | Tad Ermitaño
20 November 2022
In his films and artworks Tad Ermitaño creates an uneasy field in which a facility with technology collides with a kind of postcolonial guilt slamming its head against the limits of empiricism. In this artist talk with curator Tengal Drilon, Ermitaño will discuss the methodologies behind his recent works, shown at Art Laboratory Berlin earlier this year.