art and science

event | Talk

Paired Immunity

  1. Art & Science Talk | Marta de Menezes & Luís Graça
30 October 2021

In the talk the artist Marta de Menezes and the scientist Luís Graça will give insights into their collaborative art-science projects, currently on show at Art Laboratory Berlin in the exhibition “Paired Immunity”. In “Immortality for Two”, they questioned the limits and understanding of their identity. In “Anti-Marta” a skin transplant was exchanged between them.

event | Talk, Workshop

DIY Bio Lounge

  1. in cooperation with Rüdiger Trojok
24 - 26 January 2014

To open our 2014 programme Art Laboratory Berlin will be presenting three days of events on open source biology and micro-organisms organized with Rüdiger Trojok and in connection with the transmediale and CTM festivals

event | Talk


  1. Integrating Nature's elegant solutions into the design process
  2. Dr. Prateep Beed
27 June 2014

Biomimicry is a creative method for sustainable innovation and product design in today’s world.

event | Talk

SciArt Café

  1. with Berlin iGEM team
31 January 2016

The iGEM Berlin team ( presents their fourth SciArt Café. Under the main theme of “Programming Life – Good Code/ Bad Code?” we will hear scientists and artists working with bioscience and afterwards discuss topics of synthetic biology.

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event | Conference, Talk

Nonhuman Subjectivities

  1. Living Systems | Aquatic Systems
  2. Robertina Šebjanič, Kat Austen, Regine Rapp and Christian de Lutz
18 September 2016

In this seminar we want to invite you to theoretically explore these and other aspects about artistic and scientific methodologies on interspecies empathy and human-nonhuman companionship.

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event | Talk, Workshop


  1. DIYBio faire
  2. Biotinkering e.V.
17 - 19 February 2017

The three-day bio-fair brings together the players in the Berlin biohacking scene for a series of hands-on workshops, talks and a special exhibition featuring unique DIY laboratory equipment.

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event | Performance, Talk, Workshop

Nonhuman Agents

  1. Anatomy of an inter-connected system
  2. Margherita Pevere
15 July 2017

Starting point is the artist’s research at the junction of visual arts, theoretical inquiry and investigation of biological processes, focusing on the discourses regarding human-nature relationship in the frame of today’s environmental crisis and how artistic practices…

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event | Workshop

Phytocracy in situ

  1. Prototyping tools for the investigation of plant governance
  2. Špela Petrič
22 September 2018

As part of the inquiries into Vegetal Otherness, Špela Petrič set out to produce her own phytocracy-revealing onto-epistemological tools that are inspired by actual institutions/domains/cultural practices framing plant-people relations…

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event | Conference

The Artist-Silkworm Interface

  1. The Agricultural Treatise as Source and Scrutiny for Creating an Artist Book
  2. Vivan Xu | Lisa Onaga | Dagmar Schäfer | Regine Rapp | Anna Grasskamp | Yubin Shen
4 July 2019

This one-day symposium discusses how the lens of contemporary art can engage with the genre of the agricultural treatises and manuals that have long attracted the attention of scholars in the history of science.

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event | Talk

Conversations in Silk

  1. Artist and scholar talk
  2. Vivian Xu and Lisa Onaga
30 June 2019

“Conversations in Silk” presents a dialogue between historian of biology Lisa Onaga and artist and designer Vivian Xu reflecting on the intermingled topics of silk, sericulture, and specultations of the future of the silkworm-human relations within a technoscience framework.

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event | Workshop


  1. Vivian Xu
8 June 2019

The Silkworm Project Workshop gives insight into the artistic research and practice by Vivian Xu and offers a hands-on part, based on the artist’s at ALB of the same name. Participants were each given silkworms to take home and raise, hand-reared by the artist in Berlin.

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event | Talk

Symbiosis in intra-flux of the Anthropocene

  1. Project Presentation
  2. Saša Spačal
29 November 2019

For the month of November 2019 bio media artist Saša Spačal undertook artistic research at the Rillig Group, Ecology of Plants, Institute of Biology, FU Berlin, addressing pressing societal and environmental issues such as climate crisis and plastic pollution.

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event | Performance

The Lumenses Project

  1. Florence Razoux
5 January 2020

Artist and scientist Florence Razoux will be presenting the Lumenses Project, a series of creative initiatives that offers a new perspective on menstruation and examine how the taboo that surrounds menstruation impacts society, and especially the biomedical research.

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event | Talk

A Future for Food

  1. Discussion and Livestream
  2. Amy Youngs | Ken Rinaldo | Anna Paltseva | Daniel Lammel | Regine Rapp | Christian de Lutz
4 June 2020

Can we break away from agricultural practices which are intimately connected to desertification, water and soil pollution, antibiotic resistance, climate change and social and economic inequalities? This discussion considers a sustainable, multispecies perspective to farming.

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event | Talk

VIRAL CLOUD | Berlin Tokyo

  1. Hybrid Arts and DIY Bio Cultures
  2. Walter Waldman
25 November 2020

Since spring 2020 ALB and BioClub Tokyo have been arranging online meetings between hybrid artists and associates in our respective cities and beyond. Meeting #11 features Walter Waldman presenting his research on microplastics and ideas for cooperation across disciplines.

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