


  1. Weaving together Traditional Craft, Anthropology, Microbiology, and Art
  2. Adama Séré, Laurence Douny, Regine Hengge, Pauline Agustoni, Satomi Minoshima
16 May - 6 July 2025
Fermenting Textiles is a unique trans-disciplinary research and exhibition project that puts active matter at the center: it connects anthropology, microbiology, and art through the engagement of artisans, anthropologists, scientists, and artists, as well as more-than-human actors. Fermenting Textiles explores the fermentation of textile in mud and plant material to produce complex dyeing for various use – from traditional hunter shirts in Burkina Faso to kimono silk dyeing in Japan. In each case the process is artisanal and has fascinating traditional uses and meanings. Both cases make use of natural chemical and biological processes to create unique aesthetic and medicinal results. Read more

Queer Sonic Fingerprint

  1. Transdisciplinary Research
  2. Isabel Bredenbröker and Adam Pultz
20 October - 1 December 2024
How do bodies sound? And how can a group of cultural belongings in an ethnological museum collection resonate in unexpected queer kin relations? In their interactive multichannel sound installation Queer Sonic Fingerprint, sound artist Adam Pultz and anthropologist Isabel Bredenbröker speculatively imagines non-normative relations around cultural belongings in ethnological museums and beyond. The installation amplifies the collection‘s materiality through sonic fingerprints—that is—the reflections of a body’s unique acoustic characteristics. In a transdisciplinary encounter with sound processing and evolutionary computing, dynamically changing fingerprints bring selected parts of museum collections to life in a multichannel sonic ecology. Read more

Colour Topographies

  1. Artistic Research
  2. Käthe Wenzel
31 August - 6 October 2024
Site-specific colours combine colour and location, as a type of topographical perception through local colour. What colour producing plants and minerals can be found in this place, and how can they be perceived and understood through colour? Plant knowledge is knowledge of place. This project explores topics of plant blindness, urban ecology, mapping, bio-invasiveness and migration as well as Zero Waste, Queer Ecologies and Interspecies Cooperation. Read more

Intermediate Objects

  1. Artistic Research
  2. Kristina Stallvik
23 February - 24 March 2024
Intermediate Objects represents the first culmination of artist Kristina Stallvik’s multidisciplinary, practice-based research on ecosystems of independent publishing. The works in the exhibition are both a documentation of Stallvik’s investigative dialogues and a mediation on the social and material histories of risograph printing. By displaying the physical stencil masters used to print an eponymous research publication, Intermediate Objects animates these traditionally discarded products of duplication. Drafted with tools developed by Full Auto Foundry, the typefaces utilized in the exhibition further explore the collaborative potential of the stencil itself as a creative methodology. Read more


  1. Artistic Research
  2. Saša Spačal
10 November - 4 February 2024
Art Laboratory Berlin is glad to announce the solo show of bio media artist Saša Spačal with the newly produced artwork TERRA XENOBIOTICA. “Terra Xenobiotica delves into the soil life hidden beneath the ceaseless traffic of airports – dense nodes of western human civilisation” says Saša Spačal. “Toxins are seeping into the ground, creating unfamiliar lands that call for different kinds of stewards – the ones who navigate and nurture, rather than gatekeep or extract.” Terra Xenobiotica by Saša Spačal was realised through a collaborative effort with cultural theorist Ali Sperling and was supported and produced by Art Laboratory Berlin. Additional support comes from the Rillig Lab | Plant Ecologies, FU Berlin, SKICA Berlin and the Berlin Senate. Read more


  1. Exposing the Invisible: Data, Rendering and Code
  2. HyungJun Park
1 September - 8 October 2023
HyungJun Park’s solo exhibition Artificial Consciousness. Exposing the Invisible: Data, Rendering and Code brings together three artworks, created in the last fifteen years. Park’s artistic exploration focuses on the relationship between machine and humans as well as humans and nonhuman beings. He connects and exposes nonhuman sensorial experiences through technological tools for human body experiences that mimic other perceptions. Read more


  1. Artistic Research
  2. WhiteFeather Hunter | Lyndsey Walsh | Shu Lea Cheang and Ewen Chardronnet
26 May - 9 July 2023
The exhibited artworks critically reflect about nature, matter and health of female and nonbinary bodies through artistic and scientific research – exploring the use of menstrual serum for tissue culture, proposing new modes of care within the context of female and nonbinary health and discussing both traditional forms and new possibilities of reproduction. In context of the group exhibition, Art Laboratory Berlin will also realise a festival of the same title in June 2023 that seeks to initiate a wider network of and for female and nonbinary artists, scholars and cultural players in art, science and technology. Read more


  1. Artistic Research on Climate Crisis
  2. Cammack Lindsey | Gülşah Mursaloğlu | Sybille Neumeyer
3 March - 30 April 2023
In March 2022 scientific research revealed that microplastic pollution is now present in the human body. It moves around in the blood, lands in organs and passes to infants via breast milk. The exhibition title Vicious Cycle is based on this closed cycle of human disturbance of the environment and its return to the human and nonhuman body. In the exhibition the artists’ investigative and research-oriented works explore the problem of microplastics in soil, the impact of climate change and the effects of excessive agricultural activity on the water, soil, animals and wildlife. Read more



Nonhuman Agents

  1. Nonhuman Networks
  2. Heather Barnett | Saša Spačal, Mirjan Švagelj & Anil Podgornik
30 September - 26 November 2017

How does the world’s largest single celled creature function as a computer? Can we tap into the so-called ‘Internet of trees’? Performative works act as enablers for the audience to engage in non-linguistic forms of awareness and contact with several deceptively simple life forms.

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Nonhuman Subjectivities

  1. Under-Mine
  2. Alinta Krauth
26 February - 2 April 2017

The exhibition project investigates possibilities of communicating nonhuman perception through the interface of artistic practice and new technologies. By using time-based techniques artist Alinta Krauth considers potential narratives of animals under threat from climate change.

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Nonhuman Subjectivities

  1. Aural Aquatic Presence
  2. Robertina Šebjanič
3 September - 9 October 2016

The exhibition offers a dialogue of agency and sentience in one of the ‘simplest’ of multicellular creatures: the jellyfish related to a human made machine. Another project discusses sound in marine systems, as well as the effects of human intervention on aural aquatic systems.

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Nature Cultures

  1. at the Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung
  2. Brandon Ballengée | Katya Gardea Browne | Pinar Yoldas
2 July - 11 September 2016

The exhibition explores the interwoven fabric of both the human and nonhuman in the 21st century. The side effects of human technology intrude into every environment, altering the balance, and even the make up of what we once called nature. While ecological disaster…

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Nonhuman Subjectivities

  1. On Animals. Cognition, Senses, Play
  2. Rachel Mayeri | Maja Smrekar
28 May - 17 July 2016

The art projects discuss primates and the wolf-dog-human continuum: The instinct and the senses of the nonhuman are placed at the centre of artistic research, while aiming to translate the nonhuman cognitive ability by means of the performance, film and art science collaboration.

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Nonhuman Subjectivities

  1. The Other Selves. On the Phenomenon of the Microbiome
  2. François-Joseph Lapointe | Saša Spačal with Mirjan Švagelj & Anil Podgornik | Tarsh Bates | Joana Ricou
27 February - 30 April 2016

Various artistic projects discuss the complex microbial environment found on and within the human body as performance, living installation or image. The phenomenon of the microbiome brings forth many complex questions about human identity and our relation to our multiple selves.

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  1. Transhuman Life Forms
  2. Susanna Hertrich
26 September - 29 November 2015

The works of Susanna Hertrich reflect the phenomenon of prostheses as an extension of the human in the 21st century. In the context of the latest technologies and current developments in the field of neuroscience and biology, they presents new transhuman sensory extensions

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Growing Geometries

  1. Evolving Forms
  2. Theresa Schubert
29 August - 20 September 2015

The artist Theresa Schubert conducts research at the intersection of art, biology, and technology. Her artistic practice combines various media such as audiovisual installations, photography or work on paper which deals with the phenomena of nature not only as a source of inspiration, but as a material and critical process…

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bOdy pandemOnium

  1. Immersion into Noise
  2. Joseph Nechvatal
25 April - 21 June 2015

Joseph Nechvatal is a post-conceptual artist working in digital art. He is one of the most important pioneers of new media art, but at the same time makes use of ‘old media’ (painting and drawing) created through a use of custom artificial life software and computer robotics.

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[micro]biologies II

  1. πρωτεο / proteo
  2. Joanna Hoffmann
24 January - 29 March 2015

Joanna Hoffmann’s transdisciplinary works combine art, microbiology, physics and technology. Her use of multimedia installations, 3d stereoscopy, experimental video animation and other media explore the visualization of sub-atomic and molecular as well as cosmic space.

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[micro]biologies I

  1. the bacterial sublime
  2. Anna Dumitriu
27 September - 30 November 2014

Anna Dumitriu is well known for creating The VRSA Dress & and The MRSA Quilt which were made from so-called ‘superbugs’. To create those works she grew bacteria onto textiles and used natural and clinical antibiotics to create patterns (sterilised prior to exhibition).

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[macro]biologies II

  1. organisms
  2. Suzanne Anker | Brandon Ballengée | Maja Smrekar
31 May - 20 July 2014

This exhibition highlights the works of artists dealing with multi-celled organisms. Noteworthy is both the relationship of these organisms to us, and their roles as independent actors. The exhibition focuses on the works of three remarkable, internationally recognized artists

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[macro]biologies I

  1. the biosphere
  2. Katya Gardea Browne | The Center for PostNatural History | Mathias Kessler | Alexandra Regan Toland
8 March - 4 May 2014

For [macro]biologies I: the biosphere we have chosen four important international artists dealing with the structures and systems of our world. The exhibition focuses on the ecosystem and the biosphere with billions of life forms that interrelate with other systems.

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Synaesthesia / 4

  1. Translating, Correcting, Archiving
  2. Eva-Maria Bolz | Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen | Andy Holtin
1 June - 21 July 2013

Synaesthesia / 4: Translating, Correcting, Archiving presents works by Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen (DK), Eva-Maria Bolz (D) and Andy Holtin (USA). The exhibition devotes itself to selected artistic strategies for decoding the phenomenon of synaesthesia.

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Synaesthesia / 3

  1. History of the Senses
  2. Carl Rowe & Simon Davenport | Sergio Maltagliati & Pietro Grossi
23 March - 12 May 2013

History of the Senses deals with the phenomenon of synaesthesia from the point of view of art and media history. The two artistic positions refer back to different movements from the 20th Century giving the four-part exhibition series on synaesthesia a historical component

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