Politics of AI
- Artistic Research
- With Helena Nikonole
- Research in Art, Science, and Humanities
- With Terike Haapoja
Hacking Networks
- Open Studio and Artist Talk
- Helena Nikonole | Winter Studio Residency
Guerilla Wearables | Politics of LLMs
- Winter Studio Residency 2025
- Helena Nikonole
Get-together with Printed Matter
- Books and printed matter for sale, some farewells and updates about the program of 2025 and 2026
- Bio-Art Workshop
- With Fara Peluso, Helena Nikonole, Karine Bonneval, Regine Rapp, and Christian de Lutz
- Current Collaborations Between Art, Biology, Music, and Anthropology
- Panel Discussion | With Isabel Bredenbröker, Adam Pultz, India Mansour, Sybille Neumeyer, Regine Rapp, and Christian de Lutz
Inspired by…
- Reading Club
- With Guest Artists Isabel Bredenbröker and Adam Pultz
- Research in Art, Science, and Humanities
- With Ionat Zurr
- Berries, berries, berries and rosehips. FERAL FIELDWORK back at Nasse Dreieck (Autumn Edition) | Artist Talk by Käthe Wenzel
Inspired by…
- Reading Club
- With Guest Artist Aslı Dinç

- Technosphärenklänge #3
- Guy Ben-Ary
- Presse Feedback
In the work cellF human neurons living in a Petri dish perform duets with human musicians: These are grown into a culture of 100,000 living neurons. Lined with electrodes, these neurons form output via an analog synthesizer, cellF, allowing them to “jam” with human musicians.
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Guy Ben-Ary
- Artist Talk
In his talk Guy Ben-Ary will present some of the methodologies and theories that underpin his artistic practice by using as examples, four of his major projects completed over the last decade: MEART, The Silent Barrage, In-Potentia, and CellF
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- DIYBio faire
- Biotinkering e.V.
The three-day bio-fair brings together the players in the Berlin biohacking scene for a series of hands-on workshops, talks and a special exhibition featuring unique DIY laboratory equipment.
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SciArt Café
- with BIOMOD and iGEM Team Berlin
The iGEM Berlin team (http://igem.berlin/) presents their fifth SciArt Café. Under the main theme of “Synthetic Biology – a toolkit for solving humanity’s problems” we will hear scientists and artists working with bioscience and afterwards discuss topics of synthetic biology.
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Nonhuman Subjectivities
- Living Systems | Aquatic Systems
- Robertina Šebjanič, Kat Austen, Regine Rapp and Christian de Lutz
In this seminar we want to invite you to theoretically explore these and other aspects about artistic and scientific methodologies on interspecies empathy and human-nonhuman companionship.
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Bio & Beers
- with Biotinkering e.V.
- Dr. Mirela Alister, Rüdiger Trojok, Alessandro Volpato and Biotinkering e.V.
The Bio & Beers format is for everyone: we start with a 20 minutes presentation, followed by discussions while having beers. In addition there will be occasional DIY workshops!
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Nonhuman Subjectivities
- Interdisciplinary Dialogs in the Sciences and Humanities
- Antonia Ulrich and Marie Neuwald
For the closing event of the exhibition On Animals. Cognition, Senses, Play we are pleased to invite you to an interdisciplinary dialog with philosopher Antonia Ulrich and Marie Neuwald from NABU.
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There be Dragons
- Human Impact on the environmentally sensitive Galapagos and Lord Howe Islands
- Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger
In the Age of the Anthropocene, this talk will explore how humans impact on our world both by their presence and indirectly by their lifestyle. This is a science-art investigation of tourism and its effects on closed eco systems.
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Nonhuman Subjectivities
- 1000 Handshakes
- François-Joseph Lapointe
As part of the opening of the 2016 transmediale festival of art & digital culture at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Art Laboratory Berlin will present the performance 1000 Handshakes by and with François-Joseph Lapointe.
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SciArt Café
- with Berlin iGEM team
The iGEM Berlin team (http://igem.berlin/) presents their fourth SciArt Café. Under the main theme of “Programming Life – Good Code/ Bad Code?” we will hear scientists and artists working with bioscience and afterwards discuss topics of synthetic biology.
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Art Science Swap
- Two Heads Are Better than One
- Nenad Popov
Participants of the workshop are divided in the pairs of one artist and one scientist. Each pair will receive a problem to think about, each using their own method. That is the easy part. Then they are asked to switch roles.
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Mind Blind
- Therapeutic Interventions for Human/Nonhuman Communications
- Sarah Hermanutz
In her performance-lecture Sarah Hermanutz draws upon methods and aesthetics of academic lectures and psychological testing/treatment to engage with the gaps and pains of cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer.
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Plan Bienen
- A project by
- Tessa Zettel and Sumugan Sivanesan
With Plan Bienen the artists attempt to make real and speculative connections between two parallel crises – one within European economic systems and the other in honeybee ecologies. Considering Berlin’s development as a multicultural ‘creative’ capital…
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Workshop with Anna Dumitriu
- Anna Dumitriu
On this practical and discussion-based workshop participants will begin to learn how to work safely with bacteria as an artistic medium using commonly available supplies. They will start to develop a ‘bacteriocentric’ view of the world…
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Synthetic Biology Workshop
This workshop, led by Howard Boland, is for artists, designers, DIY biologists, and especially lay people who wish to gain practical experience with the processes and methods in the creation of new life forms, bio-materials and new forms of expression.
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