
Event | Workshop

Politics of AI

  1. Artistic Research
  2. With Helena Nikonole
29 March 2025
The hands-on workshop Politics of AI with artist and researcher Helena Nikonole explores how Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini, as well as text-to-image AI systems, reproduce biases and embed political ideologies. Participants will experiment with AI-generated responses to politically charged prompts, analyze biases in text-based AI outputs, and examine how these biases extend into AI-generated imagery. Through practical exercises, we will critically assess how AI models shape narratives, reinforce stereotypes, and amplify bias through a feedback loop. Helena Nikonole will share her insights and artistic methodology, demonstrating how artistic research can serve as a critical tool for exposing and subverting AI biases. Read more
Event | Colloquium


  1. Research in Art, Science, and Humanities
  2. With Terike Haapoja
18 February 2025 (online + on-site)
The Colloquium (on 18 Feb it will be hybrid – both on-site and online) addresses an international interdisciplinary research audience to present and discuss past, present or future projects by artists and scholars, curators or editors from the fields of art, science, and the humanities. The topics could refer to an art project, a book, text or chapter, a research or exhibition project, a lab experiment, a lecture series, a conference concept, or other. The presentations and exchange will focus on the work-in-progress. Methodological approaches – theoretical or practical – are also of great interest here. While researching, we often tend to shift between practical inquiry and theoretical research, browsing various disciplines. Following the original meaning of colloquium as “speaking together”, we want to provide a platform for exchange and embrace various kinds of work processes which are often not seen or talked about. Read more
Event | Talk, Visit

Hacking Networks

  1. Open Studio and Artist Talk
  2. Helena Nikonole | Winter Studio Residency
2 February 2025
Meet the artist Helena Nikonoloe in her current winder studio residency at Art Laboratory Berlin. In her talk, she will explore how artistic practices can challenge centralized systems of controlIn her talk Helena Nikonole will explore how artistic practices can challenge centralized systems of control through two of her current projects, which she is continuing to develop during her winter studio residency at Art Laboratory Berlin. The first project uncovers hidden structures of power embedded in generative AI systems based on Large Language Models by probing their biases around political ideologies. This investigation reveals how these technologies reflect and amplify societal inequalities. The second project decentralizes communication networks to counteract internet shutdowns and surveillance in high-risk environments. Read more
Event | Residency, Talk, Workshop

Guerilla Wearables | Politics of LLMs

  1. Winter Studio Residency 2025
  2. Helena Nikonole
January - March 2025
Art Laboratory Berlin is pleased to announce that Helena Nikonole has joined ALB’s residency program. Nikonole is a new media artist, independent curator, researcher, and educator whose work explores the intersection of art and technology. Her fields of interest include bio-semiotics, hacktivism, and Artificial Intelligence, a subject she has been exploring since 2016, developing critical and artistic approaches to this rapidly evolving field. During her residency, Nikonole will focus on two primary projects: “Guerrilla Wearables” involves the development of political wearables designed to facilitate decentralized communication. By integrating technology into fashion, these tools provide secure, off-grid interactions in environments where internet access is restricted or blocked. With her project “Research on Large Language Models (LLMs) and Political Ideologies” Nikonole will continue her ongoing research into the biases present in AI language models as well as text-to-image and text-to-video transformers, and other AI systems built on these technologies. Read more
Event | Meet up

Get-together with Printed Matter

  1. Books and printed matter for sale, some farewells and updates about the program of 2025 and 2026
15 December 2024, 4 - 9 pm
Join us for a Get-together with warm drinks and snacks with some books and printed matter for sale. Let’s come together before the seasonal break and meet on-site at Art Laboratory Berlin for some farewells and some new announcements for the coming year. In our current challenging times, we consider it very meaningful to meet in person, support one another, and express the value of art and culture production. Come and join us with friends and colleagues – we would appreciate it a lot! Read more
Event | Seminar, Workshop


  1. Bio-Art Workshop
  2. With Fara Peluso, Helena Nikonole, Karine Bonneval, Regine Rapp, and Christian de Lutz
24 November - 4 December 2024
The international 10-day BioArt workshop OUT OF BALANCE took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 24 November until 4 December 2024. The Goethe-Institut in Saudi-Arabien and the Alliance française d’Arabie saoudite, together with the French Embassy, had invited Art Laboratory Berlin to develop a program and organise the first BioArt Lab in Riyadh at the Gharem Studio, a perfect ground for studying BioArt in theory and practice. Five seminar units with curator and researcher Christian de Lutz and art historian and curator Regine Rapp offered a theoretical insight into BioArt, DIY Bio Labs, and art science collaborations. Three hands-on workshops shared techniques of various artistic work with biological organisms – palm trees with artist Karine Bonneval and algae with artist and designer Fara Peluso – as well as AI tools about speculative futures with artist Helena Nikonole. Read more
Event | Panel Discussion


  1. Current Collaborations Between Art, Biology, Music, and Anthropology
  2. Panel Discussion | With Isabel Bredenbröker, Adam Pultz, India Mansour, Sybille Neumeyer, Regine Rapp, and Christian de Lutz
@Berlin Science Week, Holzmarkt 25! 8 November 2024, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Join us for an invited panel discussion at BERLIN SCIENCE WEEK at Holzmarkt 25 (Berlin Mitte): How do bodies sound? How can we visualize strategies for accessing environmental data from closed systems called biospheres? And how can a group of cultural belongings in an ethnological museum collection resonate in unexpected queer kin relations? Art Laboratory Berlin welcomes you to a diverse panel with cutting edge transdisciplinary research projects on current research topics: From postcolonialism over to postanthropocentrism, they nurture their knowledge production by transgressing discipline borders with a radical openness for nonhuman subjectivities. Read more
Event | Reading Club

Inspired by…

  1. Reading Club
  2. With Guest Artists Isabel Bredenbröker and Adam Pultz
5 November 2024
Inspired by… is an event series, a hybrid format derived from reading group and artist talk formats. In each session, an invited artist will choose a specific text or excerpt from a book that was inspirational for the artist’s practice and/or a particular project that the artist will introduce. Guest Artists on 1 October 2024 Isabel Bredenbröker and Adam Pultz On 5 November 2024, Inspired by… will be an on-site session with Isabel Bredenbröker and Adam Pultz during their exhibition Queer Sonic Fingerprint. This edition of Inspired by is an ‘independent event’ at Berlin Science Week 2024 and will take place at Art Laboratory Berlin on site. Read more
Event | Colloquium


  1. Research in Art, Science, and Humanities
  2. With Ionat Zurr
15 October 2024, 8 pm CET (on-site + online)
The Colloquium (on 15 Oct it will be hybrid – both on-site and online) addresses an international interdisciplinary research audience to present and discuss past, present or future projects by artists and scholars, curators or editors from the fields of art, science, and the humanities. The topics could refer to an art project, a book, text or chapter, a research or exhibition project, a lab experiment, a lecture series, a conference concept or other. The presentations and exchange will focus on the work-in-progress. Methodological approaches – theoretical or practical – are also of great interest here. While researching, we often tend to shift between practical inquiry and theoretical research, browsing various disciplines. Following the original meaning of colloquium as “speaking together”, we want to provide a platform for exchange and embrace various kinds of work processes which are often not seen or talked about. Read more
Event | Walk & Talk


  1. Berries, berries, berries and rosehips. FERAL FIELDWORK back at Nasse Dreieck (Autumn Edition) | Artist Talk by Käthe Wenzel
6 October 2024, Walk (1 pm) and Talk (3 pm)
Art Laboratory Berlin welcomes you to a double event – a walk with the interdisciplinary research group FERAL FIELDWORK (1 – 2 pm) and an artist talk with Käthe Wenzel (3 – 4 pm). Both projects have emerged from the MATTER OF FLUX network and festival in 2023.Under the moniker “Feral Fieldwork”, Alice Cannavà, Chiara Garbellotto, and Sina Ribak invite to a walk at Nasses Dreieck communicating the dense botanical, socio-political, and toxic histories of the Stadtbrache, its life forms and their materialised traces, also involving storytelling, multispecies embodiment, and mapping, they will also share methodological reflections on how to work with multiple sensibilities and knowledges. At the last day of her exhibition “Colour Topographies”, Käthe Wenzel will reflect the artistic processes of urban foraging and ink extraction and the possibilities of natural inks and will give a short foray into urban biocolorants, techniques of inkmaking, and material cultures of colour(s). Read more
Event | Reading Club

Inspired by…

  1. Reading Club
  2. With Guest Artist Aslı Dinç
1 October 2024
Inspired by… is an event series, a hybrid format derived from reading group and artist talk formats. In each session, an invited artist will choose a specific text or excerpt from a book that was inspirational for the artist’s practice and/or a particular project that the artist will introduce. Guest Artist Aslı Dinç is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher. Her artistic research and narrative are deeply influenced by sci-fi culture, RPGs, cybernetics, interconnected networks and power. These influences, along with gamer theory, hacker culture, and the deep sea milieu, shape her practice. Read more


empty urban lot with grass, trees, rubble. In the background a mural of a little girl on the firewall of an apartment building crushed stones and earth, pigment and a try with water
Event | Workshop

Hidden Colours

  1. Inkmaking with Plants in Urban Space
  2. Käthe Wenzel
13 - 14 July 2024

Workshop on urban ink and dye extraction from plants, soil and waste.

90% of modern paints are made from petrochemical products. Until the 20th century, the local and more environmentally friendly production of natural paints was commonplace as a technology both in the studio and in the home. Even today, inks and paints can be made from materials collected in urban areas

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Circular object on black backround books referencing photography
Event | Residency

Sending Occulto 8 to Print

  1. A Temporary Editorial Office as Performance, Organic Exhibition, and Non-systematic Archive
  2. Editorial Residency with Alice Cannavà
10 May - 7 July 2024

Occulto’s publisher Alice Cannavà will be in residence at Art Laboratory Berlin from 10 May until 7 July 2024 editing and designing the upcoming issue Occulto 8: Photographic, to be released in July. The temporary editorial studio at ALB offers the opportunity to open up and make visible the work behind the birth of a magazine, uncovering its performative potential and the richness of its byproducts and side-effects.

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Event | Workshop

Embodied Methods to explore chemical relationships

  1. With Jemma Woolmore and Pati Masłowska
22 June 2024

This is a workshop to share and develop ways of knowing our bodies and the chemicals inside them. Collectively we will explore embodied approaches using the senses, materials and movement to find different ways of knowing chemicals and their relationships with us.

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Event | Reading Club

Inspired by…

  1. Reading Club
  2. With Guest Artists ella hebendanz and pamela varela
18 June 2024

Inspired by… is an event series, a hybrid format derived from reading group and artist talk formats. In each session, an invited artist will choose a specific text or excerpt from a book that was inspirational for the artist’s practice and/or a particular project that the artist will introduce.

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a sample of bioplastics made by the artist A hand holding leaves, flowers and stones
Event | Residency, Talk, Workshop

If You Are Reading This

  1. Biomaterials and Discard Studies
  2. Elizabeth Shores
Residency (23 - 25 May) and Workshop (25 May)

In connection with their spring studio residency at Art Laboratory Berlin, artist educator Elizabeth Shores invites the public to learn more about their current artistic practices between 23 until 25 May. There will be an artist talk and workshop on 25 May 2024.

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close up of a sculpture, circles with metal mesh, yellowish cat to the photograph Trees photographed from below with a green-yellow cast to the photograph
Event | Colloquium


  1. Research in Art, Science and Humanities
  2. With Alice Cannavà and Karolina Żyniewicz
21 May 2024 (on-site)

The Colloquium (on 21 May only on-site!) addresses an international interdisciplinary research audience to present and discuss past, present or future projects by artists, scholars, curators or editors from the fields of art, science and the humanities, focusing on the work-in-progress.

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Event | Reading Club

Inspired by…

  1. Reading Club
  2. With Guest Artist Nicol Rivera Aro
April 16 2024

Inspired by… is an event series, a hybrid format derived from reading group and artist talk formats. In each session, an invited artist will choose a specific text or excerpt from a book that was inspirational for the artist’s practice and/or a particular project that the artist will introduce.

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Book cover for "MATTER OF FLUX" Art, Biopolitics, and Networks with Care Edited by Regine Rapp / Art Laboratory Berlin
Event | Book Release Party


  1. Art, Biopolitics, and Networks with Care
  2. Book Launch
23 March 2024 @ PA58, Prinzenallee 58

The book assembles essays and statements along with documentation in text and images by around 50 authors whose many fields of expertise create the polyphonic ground of MATTER OF FLUX: art, design, filmmaking, curatorial practice, dramaturgy, music, art history, media theory, anthropology, philosophy, sociology, feminist history of science, microbiology, plant ecology, biotechnology, neuroscience, and physical science.

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Drawing of a stencil white on black background drawing of stencil, white on grey background
Event | Workshop

Full Auto Typeface

  1. Workshop
  2. Kristina Stallvik and Full Auto Foundry
24 March 2024

a workshop hosted by full auto foundry in collaboration with the publishing project, cover crop. Full auto is a type foundry that explores how processes of automation can influence the design of typefaces. Using analog tools, participants are encouraged to draw letterforms without thinking too much about what the letter should be.

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A person smelling a tree pine, rosemary and a pair of blue worker's gloves
Event | Workshop

Scents of Solastalgia (SoS)

  1. An Eco-Sensory Workshop
  2. Tarsh Bates and Alanna Lynch
17 March 2024

Have you noticed that the smells around you have changed? Do you miss the old smells or love the new ones? Aromas are everywhere and affect us and the life around us in ways that words can’t describe. Changes in the smells of the world around us can have a significant impact on how we feel physically and emotionally but we don’t usually notice unless it smells bad. Construction and climate change cause some of the biggest changes at the moment, but we don’t have a lot of control over these.

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A man with blue glove stands on one side of a table with laboratory equipment talking to a group of people on the other side of the table A group of people sitting around a table with laboratory equipment. A woman is pipetting.
Event | Meet up, Talk


  1. Georg Tremmel, Hideo Iwasaki, Henry Tan, Soyoon Ryu, HyungJun Park, Elaine Regina, Art Laboratory Berlin
11 February 2024

During the pandemic Art Laboratory Berlin and BioClub Tokyo arranged a series of 14 online meetings between hybrid artists and associates virtually connecting Berlin with Tokyo as well as other locations. We are happy to present VIRAL CLOUD Reloaded together with our colleagues for an afternoon/evening of short talks and discussions

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A woman reading a Zine with a monkey and the word RAJON written on the coverr cover of a Zineentitled : Enfleshed. Ecologies of Entities and Beings. silhouette forms of a wolf, a human shaman with a deer mask and antlers, a rock, a tree among other forms
Event | Talk

Publishing Ecologies

  1. A Discussion
  2. With Oscar Salguero, Institute for Interspecies Art and Relations, and Onomatopee
28 January 2024 (online)

Join Art Laboratory Berlin during Vorspiel 2024 – a citywide program of events before and during the transmediale and CTM festivals – for a virtual panel on archiving and publishing practices that envision artist books as tools for interspecies understanding, imagining, and kinships. The discussion is organised and moderated by Kristina Stallvik.

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red- violet photograph of a person standing in water blue- violet photograph of a person standing in water
Event | Series of Events


  1. Program Overview
  2. A Series of Reading Groups, Talks, Workshops and Podcasts
May - December 2023

In our series we present artistic and feminist explorations of embodiment and identity in flux, as well as an investigation of our interconnection and interaction with the environment around us. With reading groups, talks, workshops and podcasts we propose a net of narratives of permeability to encompass a poetic (post)natural history of being woman throughout 2023.

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close up of a sculpture, circles with metal mesh, yellowish cat to the photograph Trees photographed from below with a green-yellow cast to the photograph
Event | Colloquium


  1. Research in Art, Science and Humanities
  2. With Ekaterina Kormilitsyna and Tarsh Bates
12 December 2023 (online)

The Colloquium addresses an international interdisciplinary research audience to present and discuss past, present or future projects by artists, scholars, curators or editors from the fields of art, science and the humanities, focusing on the work-in-progress.

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Illustration in bright colors, a red lobster, a yellow pillow, a white tampon applicator a white vial all on a light blue background a drawing in bright colors of four small red lobsters and a Petri dish with a few smears of blood
Event | Workshop


  1. We’re not Lobsters! Queering, Decolonizing and Hacking Menstruation
  2. Workshop | With Flo Razoux and Aouefa Amoussouvi
2 - 3 December 2023

The collective 2-day experiment aims to decolonize and queer our perceptions of menstruation. Participants will be invited to share their experiences and examine the representations of menstruation and its rituals. The group will also explore how to access and make use of scientific and technological knowledge, and understand bias.

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