Full Auto Typeface
Kristina Stallvik and Full Auto Foundry
Join us before the finnisage of the exhibition Intermediate Objects for a workshop hosted by full auto foundry in collaboration with the publishing project, cover crop. Full auto is a type foundry that explores how processes of automation can influence the design of typefaces. Using analog tools, participants are encouraged to draw letterforms without thinking too much about what the letter should be. Absent-minded drawing or doodling replaces thought-out design, leading to alphabets quickly emerging from repetition of mark-making. Outcomes vary in beauty and ugliness, smoothness and roughness. The sketches that participants will produce are scanned and then go through a process of digital automation: vectorised, imported into FontForge, exported as both a .TTF and a .WOFF and finally uploaded to the full auto site as functional, open source typefaces for download. The stencil tools available in this workshop, FA_3 and FA_4, were utilized in the publication, Intermediate Objects, on view at the gallery.

In connection with the exhibition Intermediate Objects which represents the first culmination of artist Kristina Stallvik’s multidisciplinary, practice-based research on ecosystems of independent publishing. The works in the exhibition are both a documentation of Stallvik’s investigative dialogues and a mediation on the social and material histories of risograph printing. By displaying the physical stencil masters used to print an eponymous research publication, Intermediate Objects animates these traditionally discarded products of duplication. Drafted with tools developed by full auto foundry and ultrastudio, the typefaces utilized in the exhibition further explore the collaborative potential of the stencil itself as a creative methodology.