Event category:


event | Workshop

Workshop with Anna Dumitriu

  1. Anna Dumitriu
30 November 2014

On this practical and discussion-based workshop participants will begin to learn how to work safely with bacteria as an artistic medium using commonly available supplies. They will start to develop a ‘bacteriocentric’ view of the world…

event | Workshop

Art Science Swap

  1. Two Heads Are Better than One
  2. Nenad Popov
24 January 2016

Participants of the workshop are divided in the pairs of one artist and one scientist. Each pair will receive a problem to think about, each using their own method. That is the easy part. Then they are asked to switch roles.

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event | Course, Meet up, Talk, Workshop

Bio & Beers

  1. with Biotinkering e.V.
  2. Dr. Mirela Alister, Rüdiger Trojok, Alessandro Volpato and Biotinkering e.V.
25 August 2016 - 20 April 2017

The Bio & Beers format is for everyone: we start with a 20 minutes presentation, followed by discussions while having beers. In addition there will be occasional DIY workshops!

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event | Talk, Workshop


  1. DIYBio faire
  2. Biotinkering e.V.
17 - 19 February 2017

The three-day bio-fair brings together the players in the Berlin biohacking scene for a series of hands-on workshops, talks and a special exhibition featuring unique DIY laboratory equipment.

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event | Performance, Talk, Workshop

Nonhuman Agents

  1. Gut Feelings
  2. Alanna Lynch
18 June 2017

Alanna Lynch has been growing the microorganisms that produce kombucha tea. Through the process of fermentation this symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeasts (SCOBY) produces a cellulose material that is slimy and smells strongly while wet and can be dried and used as a textile.

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event | Performance, Talk, Workshop

Nonhuman Agents

  1. Anatomy of an inter-connected system
  2. Margherita Pevere
15 July 2017

Starting point is the artist’s research at the junction of visual arts, theoretical inquiry and investigation of biological processes, focusing on the discourses regarding human-nature relationship in the frame of today’s environmental crisis and how artistic practices…

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event | Workshop

Nonhuman Agents

  1. Swarm | Cell | City
  2. Heather Barnett + plan b (Sophia New & Daniel Belasco Rogers)
23 - 24 September 2017

This workshop is a participatory experiment on art, performance and biology that precedes the exhibition Nonhuman Networks. The project invites the participants to view the city of Berlin by the nonhuman perspectives of the intelligent single-cell organism, the slime mould.

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event | Performance, Talk, Workshop


  1. Sound Art, Narrations and Nature-based Data Streams
24- 25 August 2018

BioSignals is a series of site-specific sound art, narrations and nature-based data streams by human and nonhuman cultural producers in connection with the 2019 Pixelache Festival..

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event | Workshop

Phytocracy in situ

  1. Prototyping tools for the investigation of plant governance
  2. Špela Petrič
22 September 2018

As part of the inquiries into Vegetal Otherness, Špela Petrič set out to produce her own phytocracy-revealing onto-epistemological tools that are inspired by actual institutions/domains/cultural practices framing plant-people relations…

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event | Workshop


  1. Vivian Xu
8 June 2019

The Silkworm Project Workshop gives insight into the artistic research and practice by Vivian Xu and offers a hands-on part, based on the artist’s at ALB of the same name. Participants were each given silkworms to take home and raise, hand-reared by the artist in Berlin.

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event | Workshop

Local Area Network (LAN)

  1. Part of the project: Invisible Forces
  2. Martin Howse
13 October 2019

Local Area Network (LAN) open workshop is a collective, speculative investigation of local fields/particles, and energetic exchanges, towards the hacking and re-routing of energy flows and networks at all stacked levels of local geological, environmental and technological…

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event | Workshop, Workshop

DIY Hack the Panke

  1. (Un)Real Ecologies. Microplastics | Workshop
  2. Kat Austen and Joana MacLean
6 - 8 July 2018

How do organisms and inhabitants of the Panke live with plastic in their habitat? In the 3-day workshop we search for visible interactions between plastics and biota in and around the Panke. We also use chemical protocol for the analysis of (micro)plastics in water samples.

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event | Workshop

DIY Hack the Panke

  1. (Un)Real Ecologies. Microplastics
  2. Kat Austen and Frithjof Glowinski
13 - 14 April 2019

How do organisms and microorganisms exist with microplastics? We will investigate water samples and will use DIY chemistry methods to separate microplastics from mineral and organic matter, and discover the origins of the plastics they find by creating density columns.

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event | Workshop

DIY Hack the Panke

  1. Panke Life. Microbiodiversity
  2. Sarah Hermanutz | India Mansour | Fara Peluso
26 May 2019

The workshops invites to investigate artistically and scientifically microbial life and ecologies of an urban waterway. The workshop will explore the river Panke and floodplain as microbial habitats, with special emphasis on water, sediment and soil along the riverbanks.

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