event | Workshop
- Algature Workshop
- Workshop | Fara Peluso
12 November 2022
The workshop connects practices of DIY biology with art and design. Through a participatory format, the audience from different backgrounds are involved in an immersive experience with algae’s ecology, a DIY photo-bioreactor prototyping and a discussion on speculative practice focused on raising more awarenesse about daily habits.
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- The Materiality of Ghosts
- Workshop | Cammack Lindsey
30 October 2022
In this workshop we will explore ghosts in relation to historical and environmental relics with intimate discussions, readings, and written poetry. We will experiment with our voices and harmonies, while learning about breathing and our body resonance to amplify our stories together in a final composition of our poems through a performance.
event | Workshop
- Wetland Ecologies: Life in Transitional Zones
- Workshop | Sarah Hermanutz, India Mansour, Fara Peluso
8 October 2022
In the workshop the artist, the designer and the biologist will introduce the participants to the river Panke and changing perceptions of wetlands and essential ecosystems – through situating, storytelling, contextualizing, experiencing, sampling, examining, collaborating.
event | Workshop
- Taphonomy of Trash
- Workshop | Kat Austen
1 October 2022
Based on research developed for the Palaeoplasticene project’s Open Artistic Research Platform, participants will be introduced to the concept of incidental taphonomy, exploring the transience of organic existence and humanity’s relationship to long-lasting materials such as plastic.
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- Kentanggung
- Workshop & Lecture | Ariel Orah and Michelle Lai (Soydivision)
23 September 2022
Tracing the historical, migratory pathways undertaken by the spud, we propose an ode to the potato, this participatory research workshop explores the spectre of histories and imaginations that the potato, as a seed of desire and delight contains.
event | Workshop
- Methods of Extraction: Exploring Piezo-Electricty and Hydrophones for Non(Less) Invasive Uses for Data Collection
- Workshop | Cammack Lindsey
3 September 2022
In this workshop we reclaim the topic of piezoelectric crystal for public use and think critically about the development of these tools and their outcome. When collecting data, we are extracting from and entering a watery space that is of nonhuman organisms and life.
event | Workshop
- From Here to Ear: Sound Exploration
- Workshop | Tad Ermitaño
4 September 2022
The workshop is a sound art creation activity designed to encourage participants to listen to their environment with intention. It reframes listening as a way of thinking towards an act of reflection. Sonification is a way of experiencing data and the world anew.
event | Workshop
- Leftover Klangwerk
- Workshop | Ariel Orah and Johanes “Mo’ong” Santoso Pribadi (Soydivision Kollektiv)
19 - 21 August 2022
Both the participatory workshop and the collective improvisation performance will introduce and invite the community to channel a form of freedom in the form of sound through the sound-making object, without the limitations of conventional music.
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- Another Green World
- Workshop | plan b (Sophia New & Daniel Belasco Rogers)
14 August 2022
Using green space in the urban context of Wedding in Berlin, *plan b* invite participants to this outdoor workshop to collectively envision another kind of green, urban world. The workshop invites to collective approaches to find food and medicine and reflects about urban survival techniques.
event | Workshop
- Seokkeodungdung: Doing “Social Fermentation”
- Workshop | Rice Brewing Sisters Club (RBSC)
4 June 2022
RBSC will introduce their new project that works as a culturing home for microorganisms collected from rice, soil, and human hands, explaining their approach of “seokkeodungdung,” a socio-microbial experiment of mixing, floating, caring, and situating “in the field.”
event | Workshop
- Khipu Dialogues
- Workshop | Constanza Piña Pardo
25 May 2022
The workshop is an open conversation about Constanza’s khipu research, the uncertainty of the past and a ritualistic connection with the ancient technologies of South America. Starting at Art Laboratory Berlin we will explore original khipus in the archives of the Ethnological Museum.
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- Soya C(o)u(l)ture. Ecoprints on Bioleather
- Workshop | Irene Agrivina
28 May 2022
In the workshop the artist will introduce the concept of SOYA C(O)U(L)TURE and talk about the process, show samples and then lead the participants in making their very own eco-prints using easily available materials such as flowers and leaves.
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- Almost Nonhuman (Berlin)
- Workshop | Interspecifics
7 - 8 May, 2022
The international art research collective Interspecifics invites to a workshop for the collective creation of speculative post-humanist scenarios and build stories together that may assist our transition from the Anthropocene to the transversal inclusivity of the Symbiocene.
event | Workshop
- NETworkshop
- Workshop | Sarah Grant & Danja Vasiliev
1 - 3 October 2021
In this 3-day workshop participants learn low-level networking using only command-line tools and network hardware. In doing so they not only grasp how to create and manipulate computer networks, but how they can be used to manipulate us.
event | Workshop
- Plant-to-Plant Protocols
- Workshop | Sarah Grant
24 - 26 September 2021
The workshop is an unstable network of radios and IR sensor pairs attached to plants. It is a meditation on the aesthetics of data transmission and network disruptions caused by the natural movement of plants in response to light, wind, and other natural conditions.