Event category:


event | Talk

Conversations in Silk

  1. Artist and scholar talk
  2. Vivian Xu and Lisa Onaga
30 June 2019

“Conversations in Silk” presents a dialogue between historian of biology Lisa Onaga and artist and designer Vivian Xu reflecting on the intermingled topics of silk, sericulture, and specultations of the future of the silkworm-human relations within a technoscience framework.

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event | Talk

Symbiosis in intra-flux of the Anthropocene

  1. Project Presentation
  2. Saša Spačal
29 November 2019

For the month of November 2019 bio media artist Saša Spačal undertook artistic research at the Rillig Group, Ecology of Plants, Institute of Biology, FU Berlin, addressing pressing societal and environmental issues such as climate crisis and plastic pollution.

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event | Talk

A Future for Food

  1. Discussion and Livestream
  2. Amy Youngs | Ken Rinaldo | Anna Paltseva | Daniel Lammel | Regine Rapp | Christian de Lutz
4 June 2020

Can we break away from agricultural practices which are intimately connected to desertification, water and soil pollution, antibiotic resistance, climate change and social and economic inequalities? This discussion considers a sustainable, multispecies perspective to farming.

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event | Talk

VIRAL CLOUD | Berlin Tokyo

  1. Hybrid Arts and DIY Bio Cultures
  2. Walter Waldman
25 November 2020

Since spring 2020 ALB and BioClub Tokyo have been arranging online meetings between hybrid artists and associates in our respective cities and beyond. Meeting #11 features Walter Waldman presenting his research on microplastics and ideas for cooperation across disciplines.

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event | Talk

VIRAL CLOUD | Berlin Tokyo

  1. Hybrid Arts and DIY Bio Cultures
  2. Heather Barnett
22 December 2020

Since spring 2020 ALB and BioClub Tokyo have been arranging online meetings between hybrid artists and associates in our respective cities and beyond. Meeting #11 features Heather Barnett on her art and science practice, recent collaborations in Japan, and new projects.

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event | Talk

VIRAL CLOUD | Berlin Tokyo

  1. Hybrid Arts and DIY Bio Cultures
  2. Fara Peluso and Sachiko Hirosue
17 January 2021

Since spring 2020 Art Laboratory Berlin and BioClub Tokyo have been arranging online meetings between hybrid artists and associates in our respective cities and beyond. In our 12th meeting we feature presentations by designer and bioartist Fara Peluso and Bioengineer Sachiko Hirosue

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event | Talk

VIRAL CLOUD | Berlin Tokyo

  1. Hybrid Arts and DIY Bio Cultures
  2. Hideo Iwasaki and Matthias Rillig
21 February 2021

Since spring 2020 ALB and BioClub Tokyo have been arranging online meetings between hybrid artists and associates in our respective cities. In our Meeting #13 two scientists talk about art and science collaborations.

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event | Course, Performance, Talk, Workshop

DIY Hack the Panke

  1. Science by Doing
  2. With students from the Gustav-Freytag Schule
February - December 2019

The project offered the pupils of the Gustav-Freytag-Schule a wide range of events about the river Panke. Through workshops and visits the art science collective DIY Hack the Panke made it possible for students to artistically explore biology, chemistry, design and ecology.

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event | Talk, Workshop

Mind the Fungi

  1. Material Driven Design | Workshop
  2. Fara Peluso
6 May 2020

Based on material driven design methodologies Fara Peluso in this workshop explores possibilities and limits of mycelium-based materials. The participants discuss and work together on growing material, building sculptures, and drawing and cutting patterns on a new material made of biofilm.

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