

Queer Sonic Fingerprint

  1. Transdisciplinary Research
  2. Isabel Bredenbröker and Adam Pultz
20 October - 1 December 2024
How do bodies sound? And how can a group of cultural belongings in an ethnological museum collection resonate in unexpected queer kin relations? In their interactive multichannel sound installation Queer Sonic Fingerprint, sound artist Adam Pultz and anthropologist Isabel Bredenbröker speculatively imagines non-normative relations around cultural belongings in ethnological museums and beyond. The installation amplifies the collection‘s materiality through sonic fingerprints—that is—the reflections of a body’s unique acoustic characteristics. In a transdisciplinary encounter with sound processing and evolutionary computing, dynamically changing fingerprints bring selected parts of museum collections to life in a multichannel sonic ecology. Read more

Colour Topographies

  1. Artistic Research
  2. Käthe Wenzel
31 August - 6 October 2024
Site-specific colours combine colour and location, as a type of topographical perception through local colour. What colour producing plants and minerals can be found in this place, and how can they be perceived and understood through colour? Plant knowledge is knowledge of place. This project explores topics of plant blindness, urban ecology, mapping, bio-invasiveness and migration as well as Zero Waste, Queer Ecologies and Interspecies Cooperation. Read more

Intermediate Objects

  1. Artistic Research
  2. Kristina Stallvik
23 February - 24 March 2024
Intermediate Objects represents the first culmination of artist Kristina Stallvik’s multidisciplinary, practice-based research on ecosystems of independent publishing. The works in the exhibition are both a documentation of Stallvik’s investigative dialogues and a mediation on the social and material histories of risograph printing. By displaying the physical stencil masters used to print an eponymous research publication, Intermediate Objects animates these traditionally discarded products of duplication. Drafted with tools developed by Full Auto Foundry, the typefaces utilized in the exhibition further explore the collaborative potential of the stencil itself as a creative methodology. Read more


  1. Artistic Research
  2. Saša Spačal
10 November - 4 February 2024
Art Laboratory Berlin is glad to announce the solo show of bio media artist Saša Spačal with the newly produced artwork TERRA XENOBIOTICA. “Terra Xenobiotica delves into the soil life hidden beneath the ceaseless traffic of airports – dense nodes of western human civilisation” says Saša Spačal. “Toxins are seeping into the ground, creating unfamiliar lands that call for different kinds of stewards – the ones who navigate and nurture, rather than gatekeep or extract.” Terra Xenobiotica by Saša Spačal was realised through a collaborative effort with cultural theorist Ali Sperling and was supported and produced by Art Laboratory Berlin. Additional support comes from the Rillig Lab | Plant Ecologies, FU Berlin, SKICA Berlin and the Berlin Senate. Read more


  1. Exposing the Invisible: Data, Rendering and Code
  2. HyungJun Park
1 September - 8 October 2023
HyungJun Park’s solo exhibition Artificial Consciousness. Exposing the Invisible: Data, Rendering and Code brings together three artworks, created in the last fifteen years. Park’s artistic exploration focuses on the relationship between machine and humans as well as humans and nonhuman beings. He connects and exposes nonhuman sensorial experiences through technological tools for human body experiences that mimic other perceptions. Read more


  1. Artistic Research
  2. WhiteFeather Hunter | Lyndsey Walsh | Shu Lea Cheang and Ewen Chardronnet
26 May - 9 July 2023
The exhibited artworks critically reflect about nature, matter and health of female and nonbinary bodies through artistic and scientific research – exploring the use of menstrual serum for tissue culture, proposing new modes of care within the context of female and nonbinary health and discussing both traditional forms and new possibilities of reproduction. In context of the group exhibition, Art Laboratory Berlin will also realise a festival of the same title in June 2023 that seeks to initiate a wider network of and for female and nonbinary artists, scholars and cultural players in art, science and technology. Read more


  1. Artistic Research on Climate Crisis
  2. Cammack Lindsey | Gülşah Mursaloğlu | Sybille Neumeyer
3 March - 30 April 2023
In March 2022 scientific research revealed that microplastic pollution is now present in the human body. It moves around in the blood, lands in organs and passes to infants via breast milk. The exhibition title Vicious Cycle is based on this closed cycle of human disturbance of the environment and its return to the human and nonhuman body. In the exhibition the artists’ investigative and research-oriented works explore the problem of microplastics in soil, the impact of climate change and the effects of excessive agricultural activity on the water, soil, animals and wildlife. Read more



Synaesthesia / 2

  1. Space and Perception
  2. Madi Boyd | Carrie C Firman
26 January - 10 March 2013

Inquiries into the nature of Space and Perception are the basis of Art Laboratory Berlin’s second exhibition in the Synaesthesia series. Synaesthesia, the experience of two or more sensory impressionsat the same time, is both an artistic paradigm and neurological phenomenon.

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Synaesthesia / 1

  1. The Orange Smell of November
  2. Barbara Ryan | Annette Stahmer
27 October - 16 December 2012

Barbara Ryan’s perceptions of the world are underpinned by her polymodal synaesthesia which in turn forms the foundation of her artistic work. The work of Annette Stahmer revolves around language, the relationship between voice and writing, palimpsests and synaesthesia.

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Time & Technology/ 4

  1. Embodiment of Time
  2. Yasuhiro Sakamoto & Iñigo Giner Miranda | Dave Hebb
1 September - 14 October 2012

As part of the current exhibition series Time & Technology Art Laboratory Berlin welcomes you to the exhibition Embodiment of Time with new works by Yasuhiro Sakamoto with Iñigo Giner Miranda and by Dave Hebb.

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Time & Technology/ 3

  1. Fantastic Time Machines
  2. Shlomit Lehavi | Sam Belinfante & Simon Lewandowski
24 March - 29 April 2012

As part of the series Time & Technology the exhibition Fantastic Time Machines with new works by Shlomit Lehavi and Sam Belinfante & Simon Lewandowski. The two contributions deal with the phenomenon of time through synchronicity, simultaneity and succession.

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Time & Technology/ 2

  1. Navigating the Everyday
  2. plan b (Sophia New & Daniel Belasco Rogers)
28 January - 11 March 2012

Navigating the Everyday presents works by plan b, the British artist duo Daniel Belasco Rogers and Sophia New. Since 2003 and 2007 respectively, Daniel and Sophia have been recording every journey they make every day using GPS devices. Additionally all areas of their digital communication are evaluated and processed artistically.

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Time & Technology/ 1

  1. Controlling_Connectivity
  2. Gretta Louw
26 November 2011 - 15 January 2012

The exhibition project Controlling_Connectivity by Gretta Louw reflects use of the latest forms of digital communication. Her 10-day online performance (2- 12 November 2011) laid the basis for an exhibition which includes screen capture footage, photographs and an installation.

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  1. afterthoughts
  2. Bärbel Möllmann
10 September - 16 October 2011

In VISIONS NYC – afterthoughts artist and photographer Bärbel Möllmann has gathered a series of amazing portraits and interviews with New Yorkers from Summer 2001, recording their individual plans, goals and dreams, and a year later their reactions to 9/11.

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Artists in Dialog

  1. My Dreams Have Destroyed My Life. Some Thoughts on Pain
  2. Al Fadhil & Aissa Deebi
29 April - 26 June 2011

The exhibition, the third in our ongoing series Artists in Dialog, is a discoursive dialog between the Iraqi Swiss artist Al Fadhil and the Palestinian-American artist Aissa Deebi, and explores the complex ties between the personal and the political in the theme of loss.

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Sol LeWitt: Artist’s Books

22 January - 13 March 2011

The American artist Sol LeWitt was an influential figure in minimalism and is considered one of the most important representatives as well as co-founder of American conceptual art. LeWitt’s intensive artist books production was extremely versatile: he used different designs and formats as well as varied techniques from color lithography to offset printing.

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Stardust Boogie Woogie

  1. Tania Antoshina | Mo Foster | Marcela Iriarte | Christian de Lutz | Jane Mulfinger | Bob & Roberta Smith | Jessica Voorsanger
30 October - 28 November 2010

The exhibition, curated by Francesca Piovano, brings together seven artists to explore the issues of celebrity cult and modern heroes through notions of stardom and related lifestyles, socialist personality cults from the last century and current day popular culture

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Artists in Dialog

  1. Wunschgarten: Wild Urban Offshoots
  2. Alex Toland and Myriel Milicevic
28 August - 26 September 2010

Alex Toland and Myriel Milicevic both work on the border between art and the environmental sciences. Toland considers the project ‘habitat hacking’ and Milicevic describes the project as ‘reconstructing cross-species life worlds’.

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Artists in Dialog

  1. 2-1/4-n/2 x 21/4-n/2
  2. Heidi Hove & Jens Axel Beck
28 May - 27 June 2010

The exhibition title 2-1/4-n/2 x 21/4-n/2 is the formula for calculating the dimensions of the paper sizes in the ISO A series. Within the A series you will find the standard paper size ISO A4, which are widely used in offices all over the world today.

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  1. Art on the Californian-Mexican Border
  2. Michelle Chong | Katya Gardea Browne | Ed Gomez | Luis G. Hernandez | Camilo Ontiveros.
24 April - 22 May 2010

The exhibition, co-curated with Michelle Chong, is an artistic platform with five positions, exploring the cultural overflow, overlap and tensions in the border region of Southern California and Northwest Mexico.

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Art and Law IV

  1. Creative Rights. On Appropriation, Copyright and Copyleft
  2. Azin Feizabadi | Gilbert & George | Christian de Lutz | Triple Candie
28 November 2009 - 7 February 2010

The exhibition shows four positions offering unique views on appropriation, fair use (a term defining legal use of images outside of copyright restrictions) and ‘copyleft’…

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Art and Law III

  1. Seized
  2. Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) & Institute for Applied Autonomy (IAA)
3 October - 15 November 2009

The exhibition SEIZED deals with the FBI raid on the home of CAE member and art professor Steve Kurtz in Spring 2004 and the four year law case that followed.

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