Möllmann - VISIONS NYC - afterthoughts
September - 16 October, 2011

Bärbel Möllmann, View
over NYC, 2002
9 September, 2011 8PM
hours: Fri -Sun 2-6PM and by appointment.
Release Party - VISIONS NYC by Bärbel Möllmann: 30 September,
2011, 8PM
intro and podium discussion: Sunday, September 11, 2011
5PM: Exhibition Introduction
The artist Bärbel Möllmann and Regine Rapp (Art Laboratory
Berlin) will give a tour of the exhibition
6PM: Podium discussion "9/11
Ten Years Later"
Participants: Mark Donfried (director of the Institute for Cultural
Diplomacy), Howard McCalebb (artist and director of Dada Post),
Bärbel Möllmann (artist and photographer); moderation:
Christian de Lutz (Art Laboratory Berlin).
who has lived in New York and witnessed as I did the terrorist
attack on the city will never be the same. Our view of ourselves,
our view of
the city, all of this has changed. This whole year has been one
in which
many different feelings and thoughts and perspectives on ourselves
as well
as our future have been required.
Ellis, New York, 2002
11, 2011, marks the 10th anniversary of the attacks on The World
Trade Center. In VISIONS NYC - afterthoughts the Berlin-based
artist and photographer Bärbel Möllmann has gathered a
series of amazing portraits and interviews with New Yorkers from
Summer 2001, recording their individual plans, goals and dreams,
and from Summer 2002 recording their reactions to the events of
the previous year.
she began her unique artistic project in July 2001, Möllmann
could not have imagined the attacks on the Twin Towers that would
occur only two months later. The actual events of 9/11 are not directly
seen in the images, but rather felt as a historic turning point
in the interviews and photos taken both before and after September
11. The project is rather about individual New Yorkers and their
respective fates, which are brought convincingly near in these artistic
photographs and authentic interviews, which shows just how strongly
the city of New York and its residents changed in the aftermath
of September 11.
Bärbel Möllmann has chosen different ways of presenting
her unique project. First, she presents it in the exhibition VISIONS
NYC - afterthoughts at Art Laboratory Berlin in late summer
2011, in the form of an audiovisual installation. In the exhibition
space the portraits can be studied side by side as large format
C-prints. By means of headphones it is possible for the visitors
to hear the original voices describe their visions for the future
as one stands before each image. In a constructive way, looking
and listening are staged. Image and text are combined to create
a visual-acoustic portrait, by means of the digital perfection of
the sound recording the viewer moves closer to the portrayed.
the artist has designed the photo book VISIONS NYC. Portraits
and Interviews from New York. The portraits from New York are collected
in a volume as large format color photographs. Sometimes the wide-format
images extend over double pages. The photo book is able, as a special
bibliophile medium, to give space to individual life concepts. The
pages constitute a central moment in the reception process, sequentiality
and seriality by the ordering of book pages, to meet the heart of
urban agglomeration and diversity of urban life. Not least through
its archival nature the artist's book provides an ideal format for
this unusual and material rich project.
The Inner Eye and Extended Time. Reflecting upon Bärbel
Möllmans Project VISIONS NYC An essay by Regine Rapp
in TIP
in Sugar High
reportage from DAPD
report on RadioEins

the generous support of:
