
Book cover for "MATTER OF FLUX" Art, Biopolitics, and Networks with Care Edited by Regine Rapp / Art Laboratory Berlin
Publication | art and science, posthumanism, Anthology


  1. Art, Biopolitics, and Networks with Care
  2. Book Publication | Art Laboratory Berlin
March 2024
This publication presents a sustainable insight into the research project MATTER OF FLUX at Art Laboratory Berlin. It is a part of a group exhibition on art, body biopolitics, and feminist technoscience, as well as a network and a festival from and for international Berlin-based FLINTA* in art, science, and technology. The book assembles essays and statements along with documentation in text and images by around 50 authors from art, design, filmmaking, curatorial practice, dramaturgy, music, art history, media theory, anthropology, philosophy, sociology, feminist history of science, microbiology, plant ecology, biotechnology, neuroscience, and physical science. Read more
Publication | Article


  1. On Human and Nonhuman Agents
  2. Article | Regine Rapp
April 2022
In her article, Regine Rapp explores selected artistic positions and current artistic research projects related to an interest in human-nonhuman concepts: “As different as their artistic strategies, formats and aesthetic criteria are, the artistic positions are united by an interest in concepts of the agency and sentience of nonhuman beings. This goes hand in hand with ideas of human-nonhuman forms of communication and a critical revision of definitions of intelligence, expanded by concepts of post-humanism and the material turn.” Read more
Publication | Brochure

Mind the Fungi

  1. Brochure No. 1 | Brochure No. 2
March and July 2020
The Mind the Fungi Brochure No. 1 presents the project collaborators with their special interest and approach to the subject matter: TU Berlin’s Department of Applied and Molecular Microbiology, the Department of Bioprocess Engineering and the art and research platform Art Laboratory Berlin. The Mind the Fungi Brochure No. 2 focusses on the artist and designer of the project: Artist Theresa Schubert explores how sound had an effect on mycelial growth and metabolism. Artist designer Fara Peluso is interested in co-existence between fungi and algae microorganisms. Read more
Publication | Anthology

Mind the Fungi

  1. Book Publication | TU Berlin University Press
December 2020
The project Mind the Fungi is a Citizen Science STEAM research project, which resulted from the cooperation of the Departments of Applied and Molecular Microbiology and Bioprocess Engineering of the TU Berlin and the art and research platform Art Laboratory Berlin. The scientific and artistic paths in the project Mind the Fungi, which we followed together with the public from 2018 to 2020, including the Art & Design Residencies, can now be traced in text and images in this book. It was intended to provide citizens with an opportunity for scientific collaboration in fungal biotechnology. Read more
Publication | Academic Paper

The Concept of Nonhuman Subjectivities.

  1. Current Artistic Practice in Posthumanism.
  2. Academic Paper | Regine Rapp
April 2019
In her academic paper “The Concept of Nonhuman Subjectivities. Current artistic practice in posthumanism” Regine Rapp introduces the concept of Nonhuman Subjectivities by means of selected current artistic positions that place nonhuman organisms – animals, plants, fungi – at the centre of their work. The authors of this volume show the role of mimesis as imitation of nature in design. The contributions address topics as diverse as the design of virtual spaces in computer games, the sustainable production and disposal of clothing, and the imitation of animals and their behaviour in contemporary performance art. Read more
Publication | Anthology


  1. Machines and Organisms, Artistic Positions in Times of Climate Change and Extinction
June 2018
Machine-organisms, organic machines: The dissolution of the boundaries between bodies and mechanics is on its way to normality – sentient prostheses, neuroimplants, neuroenhancement – posthumanism. The extinction of species is to be compensated by synthetic and mechanical organisms. How are these developments thought through artistically? What threats and promises are emerging? 41 artistic positions from 15 countries provide critical to visionary templates for the fields. This volume provides groundbreaking positions from apparative art, bioart (art that incorporates living organisms or cultures), and other approaches. Read more
Publication | Conference Publication

Nonhuman Agents in Art, Culture and Theory

  1. Conference Publication | Video Documentation
February 2018
The project Nonhuman Agents takes into account recent philosophical approaches which question anthropocentrism. A new ‘de-centring’ lets us draw our attention to a reality that can no longer be described in purely anthropocentric parameters. As a theoretical addition to our series Nonhuman Agents (June – December 2017) Art Laboratory Berlin – along with our partners, The Institute for Arts and Media, University of Potsdam – has brought together international artists, scholars, and scientists from different disciplines to discuss artistic, philosophical, ethical and scientific approaches to nonhuman agency. Previous positions from our Nonhuman Subjectivities series (2016-17) were also included. Read more
Publication | Anthology, Exhibition Catalogue

[macro]biologies & [micro]biologies. Art and the Biological Sublime in the 21st Century

May 2015
This book provides a sustainable theoretical supplement to the [macro]biologies & [micro]biologies series which took place at Art Laboratory Berlin between 2013 and 2015. The whole programme consisted of four group shows, several seminars and talks on contemporary art and the life sciences. Four exhibitions – the biosphere, organisms, the bacterial sublime, and proteo – featured renowned international artists working across the borders between the arts and different fields of biology. Read more
Publication |

Anna Dumitriu. The bacterial sublime.

  1. Exhibition Catalogue
  2. With an essay by Regine Rapp & Christian de Lutz
November 2014
The catalogue presents the retrospective exhibition [micro]biologies I: the bacterial sublime with artworks by Anna Dumitriu at Art Laboratry Berlin in autumn 2014. The show was part of the [macro]biologies & [micro]biologies exhibition series. With the essay The bacterial sublime. Reflecting the art of Anna Dumitriu, a unique ‘infective agent’ in the culture of scientific investigation by Regine Rapp & Christian de Lutz and explanatory texts on the exhibited artworks by Anna Dumtriu. Read more