The multiple award winning art and research platform Art Laboratory Berlin (ALB) presents interdisciplinary art projects in an international context. It was founded in 2006 by an international team of art historians and artists – including Regine Rapp & Christian de Lutz. Our main goal is the presentation and mediation of contemporary art at the interface of art, science and technology. In recent years, ALB has focused on the field of art, the life sciences, and artistic research.
EXHIBIT | Sustainable discursive curatorial practice
It is an important aim of ALB, in the form of a close, long-term collaboration with artists, to follow the creative processes and make this visible in exhibitions, events and conferences. Instead of subordinating the artworks on exhibition to theory, we are interested in an inductive approach – that rather places the individual artistic work at the centre of inquiry. Explore the archive of our exhibitions here. Look at our series and programs here.
RESEARCH | Artistic Research & Artist-in-Residence
At all our international conferences, we have successfully brought artists and researchers from the humanities and natural sciences together in an active and sustainable dialogue. In recent years we have been successful in realising research projects between artists and scientists and in developing artist-in-residence programs, for example the Colloquium.
EDUCATE | Individual art education
A model character takes the form of art mediation, which reaches a broad international audience of different ages through different mediation formats. Highly praised in the press are not only our conferences, exhibition talks and our Reading-Lounge, but also children’s workshops and projects with pupils and students.
PUBLISH | Scholarly publications, catalogues, artist books
We have published and edited several exhibition catalogues and artist books and have written numerous theoretical contributions, such as papers, articles, catalogue chapters, essays.
Discourse | Series and Topics
- Art & Science (2008 – present)
- Time and Technology | Exhibitions, Talks, Conference (2011 – 12)
- Synesthesia. A Multisensory Phenomenon | Exhibitions, Talks, Conference (2012 – 13)
- [macro]biologies & [micro]biologies. Biosphere, Organism, Bacteria, Molecules | Group Exhibitions, Talks, Workshops, Publications (2013 – 15)
- Nonhuman Subjectivities | Group Exhibitions, Talks, Workshops (2016 – 17)
- Nonhuman Agents | Exhibition, Workshops, Conference (2017 – 18)
- Mind the Fungi. Art science research project, with TU Berlin’s Institute of Biotechnology | Exhibitions, Walks, Talks, Workshops, Publication (2018 – 20)
- CAMILLE DIARIES. New Artistic Positions on M/otherhood, Life and Care | Group Exhibition, Conference (2020)
- DIY Hack the Panke. Art science research project | Workshops, Talks, Walks, Performances (2018 – ongoing)
- UNDER THE VIRAL SHADOW. Networks in the Age of Technoscience and Infection | Group Exhibition, Workshops, Talks, Conference (2021)
- Hackers, Makers, Thinkers. Collective Experiments in Social Fermenting (2022)
- Matter of Flux | Exhibition (bio politics, body politics), 2023
- Matter of Flux | Festival (Berlin-based international network of women/FLINTA* in art, science, and technology) 2023
- Permeable Bodies, artistic and feminist explorations of embodiment and body identity in flux (artist workshops, talks, performances, podcast), 2023
- Posthumanism, Hydrofeminism
The current team of Art Laboratory Berlin includes:

Regine Rapp
Co-director and curator, art historian
Regine Rapp is an art historian, curator, and co-director of Art Laboratory Berlin (ALB). She researches, teaches, curates, and publishes on 21st century art at the interface with science and technology, currently on her newest research project “Hybrid Art Histories”. As a guest professor for Art & Science at the Art Academy Münster she teaches and researches Hybrid Art. As co-founder of Art Laboratory Berlin (2006) she has conceived, curated, and researched on more than 50 exhibition projects (Time and Technology, Synaesthesia, [macro]biologies & [micro]biologies). In 2011 parallel to the exhibition Sol LeWitt. Artist’s Books, she conceived the international Sol LeWitt Symposium at Art Laboratory Berlin. Along with Christian de Lutz she developed the international conference Synaesthesia Discussing a Phenomenon in the Arts, Humanities and (Neuro) Science (2013). The Nonhuman Subjectivities (2016/17) and Nonhuman Agents (2017/18) series of exhibitions, performances, workshops, and an international conference reflected on Art and Science in the post-anthropocentric era. Current publications: “Das Konzept ‘Nichtmenschliche Subjektivitäten’. Aktuelle künstlerische Praktiken im Posthumanismus” (Berlin: Reimer 2019); Mind the Fungi, co-edited, TU Berlin University Press, Berlin 2020; „Hybrid Art“ (Grätz/ Vogel (ed.): NatureCulture, Göttingen 2022); “Artistic Research and Ecology: Pollution, Plastic, Water” (I Reichle (ed.): Plastic Ocean: Art and Science Responses to Marine Pollution, Berlin, Boston 2021); “Saša Spačal. Symbiosen und planetarische Verflechtungen” (Kunstforum International, vol. 281, 2022); “Ko-Existenzen. Über menschliche und nicht-menschliche Akteur:innen” (Kunstforum International, vol. 281, 2022); “Mehr-als-menschliche Allianzen” (J Ullrich (ed.): Nichtmenschliche Ästhetik, Stuttgart: Metzler 2024).
Contact: rapp(at)
List of Publications, Talks and Lectures HERE.

Christian de Lutz
Co-director and curator
Christian de Lutz is a curator, originally from New York. As co-founder and co-director of Art Laboratory Berlin he has curated over 50 exhibitions and many talks workshops and seminars, including the series Time and Technology, Synaesthesia, [macro]biologies & [micro]biologies, and Nonhuman Subjectivities. His curatorial work focuses on the interface of art, science and technology in the 21st century, with special attention given to BioArt, DIY Science initiatives and facilitating collaborations between artists and scientists. His interest is in building multidisciplinary networks and unleashing their creative potential. Currently he is involved in collaborative cultural projects connecting Berlin with other cities in Europe and Asia, building international networks for art-science and DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) communities. He has published numerous articles and essays in journals and books, including [macro]biologies & [micro]biologies. Art and the Biological Sublime in the 21st Century (co-edited, 2015), which reflects theoretically on Art Laboratory Berlin’s 2013-15 program, and an introductory essay in Half Life. Machines/ Organisms, Artistic Positions in the context of Climate Change and Extinction (2018). In context of the interdisciplinary art & science project Mind the Fungi (2018-20) he was a researcher affiliated with the Institute for Biotechnology, TU Berlin.
Contact: cdelutz(at)

Karolina Zyniewicz
Researcher and curatorial assistant
Karolina Żyniewicz is a Berlin-based artist (2009 graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Department of Visual Arts) and researcher, PhD in cultural sciences (the title achieved in the Nature-Culture International Transdisciplinary PhD Program at Artes Liberales Faculty, University of Warsaw). She calls herself a liminal being because her work is “in-between” art, biotechnology, humanities, and anthropology. Żyniewicz sees her liminal activity as situated knowledge production and a form of autoethnography. Her projects have conceptual and critical character. She puts her observations, as an artist/researcher (liminal being), in the context of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and feminist humanities. Żyniewicz collaborated with two most prominent art institutions in Warsaw, the Museum of Modern Art and the National Gallery Zachęta, where she works co-creating educational programs, including events with accessibility for the visually impaired and deaf audiences. She uses the achieved pedagogical skills in her independent practice. At Art Laboratory Berlin she has been assisting on the long-term project MATTER OF FLUX (group exhibition, network, festival).

Neele Marr
Researcher and curatorial assistant
Neele Marr is a Berlin-based interdisciplinary researcher with a background in the mind sciences. After graduating with a B.Sc. in Psychology from Freie Universität Berlin, she is currently pursuing an M.A. in the interdisciplinary Mind and Brain program at Humboldt-Universität Berlin, which combines neuroscience, behavioural sciences, and philosophy. Driven by a deep curiosity, her research interests center on aesthetic emotions, transformative experiences, and the intersections of art and science. She explores how artistic and scientific practices can merge into joint modes of knowledge production and critically examines the epistemic limitations of science. Furthermore, drawing from cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, and cultural studies, she is particularly interested in how embodied and affective experiences shape our perception and understanding. Alongside her academic pursuits, she engages with these and related topics at the intersection of arts and science in practical contexts as an assistant at Art Laboratory Berlin.

Yasmin Ida Durmus
Researcher and curatorial assistant
Yasmin Ida Durmus is an interdisciplinary researcher whose interests are posthumanism, Anthropocene, somaesthetics, and ecosomatics. She studied English Language and Literature at Bilkent University (Ankara, 2022). During her studies, she also studied multiple academic disciplines from philosophy, mythology to film and media studies. Furthering her deep interest in multimedia and multimodal storytelling, she is now doing her MA in Media Arts Cultures. She has worked as a creative assistant in an advertisement agency, and as a curator for digital artworks in an online AI-art gallery. She is now writing her thesis about how media arts reinterpret animistic views to cultivate ecological awareness and reconnect with non-human agencies in the Anthropocene. At Art Laboratory Berlin she is currently researching for upcoming interdisciplinary research projects.

Alice Cannavà
Cultural Worker, Designer, and Publisher
Alice Cannavà is an independent cultural worker, designer, and publisher. She studied visual arts in Milan and Vienna and currently attends courses in the history of science and technology at the TU Berlin. As publisher, she co-edits and produces Occulto Magazine – an independent journal that brings together sciences, humanities, and the arts – and, more recently, the Occulto Editions – a diverse and evolving landscape of zines, artist’s books and special editions. As designer, she’s mostly active in the cultural scene, recent and ongoing collaborations include the art and research platform Art Laboratory Berlin, the feminist experimental music festival Heroines of Sound (Berlin), the center for art and media technology V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media (Rotterdam), and the artist and researcher Martin Howse (Berlin/London). As cultural worker, she curates and performs at cultural events and workshops in Berlin and beyond. Since 2020, she’s part of the extended team of Art Laboratory Berlin as designer/coder for print and digital media. In 2023 she joined the Matter of Flux festival and network. In 2024 she designed and produced the book MATTER OF FLUX. Art, Biopolitics, and Networks with Care, edited by Regine Rapp.

Tim Deussen | Studio Deussen
Photographer, videographer
After his interdisciplinary studies in film, psychology and philosophy at New York University Tim Deussen founded his own studio in Berlin in 1996. His studio has a strong focus on innovation paired with the sparkling creativity of an independent studio based in the heart of Berlin. This is where he creates on the edge media experiences. They range from classical media like photography or video to new media like AR or VR. With his studio he develops methods and technologies that give artists the opportunity to take advantage of XR-based creation tools. Together with fellow artists, creators, and technologists Studio Deussen explores how the conception, creation and distribution of art can be re-invented in order to make best use of the chances that XR-technology offers to us. For many years Berlin Tim Deussen has produced numerous valuable photographic and video documentation for Art Laboratory Berlin, that now builds the visual ground to ALB’s web archive.
Former team members of Art Laboratory Berlin, see here.
Press Voices on ALB
“[Art Laboratory Berlin] confronts us with our presuppositions about our role vis-à-vis the living and technology. […] For this, the ALB team curates international actors from art and science who venture beyond the usual horizon of knowledge.” (Tagesspiegel, Berlin)
“[Here], art historian Regine Rapp and New York artist Christian de Lutz have quickly established the nucleus of a German BioArt center.”
(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Joachim Müller-Jung)
“Art Laboratory Berlin […] have since many years presented very exciting projects connecting Science and Arts. They are a rare instance of serious interdisciplinary thinking.“ (Goldberg Stiftung)
“Much like the projects that Art Laboratory Berlin gravitates towards, the space itself defies any and all categorical boundaries traditionally upheld in the art world. ALB […] functions as an exhibition space, research group, and platform for bringing together artists, scientists, and researchers to discuss impending issues of our time related to life, technology, and culture.” (CLOT Magazine)
“Rapp and de Lutz, who have long worked at the intersections of art, technology and the natural sciences to curate ambitious exhibitions, speak of ‘sustainable curating’.” (Berliner Zeitung)
Press Reviews (Download as PDF)
Press Contact
+49 172 176 5559