Capturing Leakage: Body Flows and Material Investigations
Workshop | With Karolina Żyniewicz and Charlotte Roschka

Workshop Capturing Leakage: Body Flows and Material Investigations mit Karolina Żyniewicz und Charlotte Roschka, 2023
Art Laboratory Berlin welcomes you to our new series Permeable Bodies (May – November 2023) with artistic and feminist explorations of embodiment and identity in flux, as well as an investigation of our interconnection and interaction with the environment around us. With reading groups, talks, workshops and podcasts we propose a net of narratives of permeability to encompass a poetic (post)natural history of being woman throughout 2023. It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the workshop with artist Karolina Żyniewicz and engineer and bioinformatician Charlotte Roschka.
Capturing Leakage: Body Flows and Material Investigations is a two-day workshop that takes place indoors and outdoors at the Panke river. The project was developed by Karolina Żyniewicz and Charlotte Roschka and is based on the methodology of artistic research: conceptualization, sampling, and exploration. The crucial aspect of the project is building a narration based on writing, photographs, videos, sound, electromagnetic recordings, and material samples from the Panke River and Soldiner Kiez. The narrative work will be based on the contrasting activities of broadening (accumulation) and narrowing (selection).
Charlotte Roschka is an engineer and bioinformatician from Berlin. In her scientific studies, she investigated bacteria of a strain regarding their genetic predisposition to decompose bioplastics. Since graduating in Bioinformatics, she has been working as an artist using XR, sonification and visualizations. She currently lives in The Hague and studies at the Royal Academy of Arts in the Master ArtScience. In her master’s program, she focuses on exploring genetic material as an artistic material. As a bioinformatics artist, she explores new artistic ways of processing bioinformation. Her aim is to find new interpretations of bioinformational data and to bring the decisions of the journey of bioinformational data to an open discussion, addressing issues such as the ethical standards of our communities, data accessibility, and the understanding of data ownership and value.
Karolina Żyniewicz is a Berlin-based artist (2009 graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Department of Visual Arts) and researcher, PhD in cultural sciences (the title achieved in the Nature-Culture International Transdisciplinary PhD Program at Artes Liberales Faculty, University of Warsaw). She calls herself a liminal being because her work is “in-between” art, biotechnology, humanities, and anthropology. Żyniewicz sees her liminal activity as situated knowledge production and a form of autoethnography. Her projects have conceptual and critical character. She puts her observations, as an artist/researcher (liminal being), in the context of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and feminist humanities. Żyniewicz collaborated with two most prominent art institutions in Warsaw, the Museum of Modern Art and the National Gallery Zachęta, where she works co-creating educational programs, including events with accessibility for the visually impaired and deaf audiences. She uses the achieved pedagogical skills in her independent practice. She lives and works in Berlin.