
event | Talk

Current Art Practices on Time and Technology

  1. Gretta Louw, plan b (Sophia New and Daniel Belasco Rogers) , Igor Štromajer
14. Januar 2012

In Verbindung mit der Ausstellung Controlling_Connectivity von Gretta Louw und der aktuellen Ausstellungsreihe Time & Technology lädt Art Laboratory Berlin ein zum Künstlergespräch Current Artistic Practices on Time and Technology mit der australischen Künstlerin Gretta Louw, dem britischen Künstlerduo plan b (Sophia New & Daniel Belasco Rogers) und dem slowenischen Internetkünstler Igor Štromajer.

event | Performance


  1. Performance
  2. Gretta Louw
2. November 2011 - 12. November 2011

Controlling_Connectivity uses the pervasiveness of internet-based social networking, as well as the obligation and opportunity for constant connection with these platforms as a paradigm for a severe and systematic disruption of normal, socially accepted patterns of life and interpersonal interaction during a self-documented performance.