Event > Inspired by…

Inspired by…

Reading Club

With Guest Artist Cammack Lindsey

Art Laboratory Berlin is delighted to invite you to take part in our new discursive format – a reading club, curated by Tuçe Erel (next to our new colloquium, curated by Regine Rapp).

Inspired by… is an event series, a hybrid format derived from reading group and artist talk formats. In each session, an invited artist will choose a specific text or excerpt from a book that was inspirational for the artist’s practice and/or a particular project that the artist will introduce.

The project follows up Tuçe Erel’s Posthumanism Reading Group, organized between 2018-2020. After co-reading and discussing plenty of seminal texts in two years, the club is transforming into a new discussion, presentation and reading program, an online and offline exchange platform in a non-hierarchical and non-institutional infrastructure in the fields of arts, science and technology.

Guest Artist on 22 March 2022

Cammack Lindsey | holobiont: relics from the revolution

The first session of the Inspired By Reading Club welcomes Cammack Lindsey, who is also one of the featured artists at the upcoming exhibition Hackers, Makers, Thinkers at Art Laboratory Berlin. Cammack selected three short texts to read collectively and talk about their art work holobiont: relics from the revolution. The selected texts will be shared with the signed up participants via pretix.eu there days before the event.

Cammack Lindsey, is an artist whose practice includes BioArt DIY techniques and political musical theater, expanding this space to redistribute stolen futures through performances and installations, they work together with code, voice, sound, & the materialization of magic, ghosts, and clouds. Based in Berlin, they produced their first 8-hour musical with M.I/mi1glissé at Acker Stadt Palast in May 2017 and in 2019, premiered their most recent musical composition ‘ ∫ ( { } )_ visible window’, releasing the recording online with the label Quantum Natives. Their works have been presented in Berlin at KW, State Studio, and HAU, and internationally at Cafe Oto (London), Ars Electronica (Linz), RIXC Open Fields (Riga) and Encuentro Tecnofeminista (Mexico City).


Online | Free entrance
Please register: https://pretix.eu/artlaboratoryberlin/inspired-by/
No livestream, no recording

Date and time

Tuesday, 22 March 2022, 8 pm CET
The reading club takes place every 6 weeks
The next reading club meetings: 22 March, 3 May, 28 June, 30 August, 11 October, 22 November, 6 December (the last event of colloquium and reading club are together)


Tuçe Erel


Tuçe Erel, Regine Rapp,
Christian de Lutz

Supported by

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