28 May - 27 June, 2010
in Dialog
2-1/4-n/2 x 21/4-n/2
Heidi Hove & Jens Axel Beck
Friday, 28 May, 2010, 8 PM
Performance/ work in progress (open to the public):
31 May - 3 June, 2-6 PM
Artist talk: Saturday 12 June, 2010, 6PM
The exhibition runs 29 May - 27 June, 2010
Open: Fri - Sun, 2-6PM and by appointment
Laboratory Berlin is pleased to announce the exhibition 2-1/4-n/2 x
21/4-n/2 by Heidi Hove and Jens Axel Beck, and with
it a new exhibition series - Artists in Dialog.
exhibition in Artists in Dialog will take the form of a discursive
examination between two artists, whose work has a common point of
contact (e.g. in aesthetics, theme or process). The exhibition will
be based around each artist interacting with the other's artistic
position. It is our intention that their artworks come together
not through a series of traditional curatorial (and hierarchical)
decisions, but that the artists, working together, find a specific
form of display for their own and each other's works.
this form of exhibition as dialog will present an additional phenomenon:
both artists will take part intensively in the curatorial aspect
of the project, breaking down traditional barriers between artistic
and curatorial production.
exhibition title 2-1/4-n/2 x 21/4-n/2
is the formula for calculating the dimensions of the paper sizes
in the ISO A series. Within the A series you will find the standard
paper size ISO A4, which are widely used in offices all over the
world today. At Art Laboratory Berlin the A4 will be the basic element
for building up the exhibition.
have been invited to take part in Artists in Dialog, a new
concept for an exhibition series initiated by Art Laboratory Berlin.
Our contribution is a project, which can partly be described as
an exhibition, and as an office/workshop. Within these settings,
we have set up a system of rules for ourselves for engaging with
the surroundings of Art Laboratory Berlin in Wedding, the exhibition
space in itself and our individual practices.
"We have chosen to work with the A4 paper as a material and
with a certain limited amount of office working tools, thereby creating
a range of elements and projects to be displayed in the gallery.
"Working ad hoc and dealing with the unexpected limitations
of the working tools in the office, we have started working on various
projects that take their starting points in themes that we usually
work with in our individual practices, but also where we think we
can meet or clash - such as memory, history, traces, tags and surfaces
as well as the standard vs. the individual." (Heidi Hove &
Jens Axel Beck, Berlin, Mai 2010)
Heidi Hove and Jens Axel Beck are interdisciplinary artists, whose
practice includes sculptural objects and installations as well as
architectural, spatial and social interventions. A point of convergence
in their work is a focus on daily life and the public and private
spaces that we daily travel through. Their work examines how we
navigate and organise ourselves in the world. Through simple and
diverse manipulations, the daily and the recognisable are brought
out of their regular condition. Thus common and ordinary objects
are manipulated, copied and placed in new connections for the purpose
of changing the meaning or perception of how we look and deal with
these in our daily lives. In addition, humour plays an important
role in their work, and it is often used to start a dialogue with
the viewer.
Rapp & Christian de Lutz
Heidi Hove (born 1976 in Denmark, lives and works in Copenhagen)
studied at the Funen Art Academy, Odense, DK, and the California
College of the Arts, San Francisco, USA. She has participated in
exhibitions in Denmark, Macedonia, Germany, Belgium and USA. Since
2006 Heidi is a co-director of the artist-apartment and residency,
The Berlin Office, NeuKölln/ Kreuzberg, Berlin.
Axel Beck (born in 1976 in Denmark, lives and works in Copenhagen)
studied at The Funen Academy of Fine Arts, Odense, DK and The Royal
Danish Academy of Fine Arts, department of Media Art, Copenhagen,
DK. He has participated in exhibitions in Denmark, Germany, Finland
and USA.
Both Heidi Hove and Jens Axel Beck are co-founders and curators
of the Copenhagen artists run space Koh-i-noor which has
existed since 2004.