Media Reality, 2007 video still |
Media Reality
their work, for the most part interventions in public space, the
Prague based artist collective Ztohoven (a wordplay from the Czech
z toho ven - get out of it, but also sto hoven - a
hundred piles of shit) question the credibility of mass media and
advertising. Among their better known works, they covered the pedestrian
figures on Prague traffic lights with stencils showing limping,
reclining, drinking or urinating figures.
their action Media Reality, which is shown in original form
at Art Laboratory Berlin, Ztohoven added images of an atomic explosion
to a live broadcast of a panoramic landscape from the Krkonoše
Mountains on the Czech weather channel ČT 2. The purpose was
to initiate a debate on the manipulation of television images. The
channel pressed charges of malicious dissemination of false
for the purpose of damaging the public peace as well as destruction
of property. In two separate
during 2008 and 2009 the artist collective was acquitted of the
charge of causing a public panic. The prosecutor had sought a penalty
of 200 hours public service against the accused; the highest sentence
could have been three years in prison. In her judgment the judge
noted that the action caused public amusement, not public panic.
Despite the acquittal several members of Ztohoven had to pay a fine
to the radio and television authorities for unauthorized interference
in a public broadcast
the same time as the first court case Ztohoven received the 2007
Prize for New Art (NG333) from the Prague National Gallery for Media
Reality, the first time the new prize was awarded. The president
of the National Gallery, Milan Knizak, explained the decision for
Ztohoven: " They have broken out of the regular scripted art
space into the public sphere with the goal of confronting society
in a provocative way."1 This clearly
shows the range of perceptions that judged the action from juvenile
prank to constructive and provocative art action. Ztohoven clearly
cite the influence of Orson Wells 1938 radio play of H.G.. Wells
War of the Worlds (1898). In the novel extraterrestrials attack
the United Kingdom. In the radio play the location was changed to
New Jersey and caused considerable confusion among the populace
due to use of what appeared to be live reportage of an actual alien
themselves explain their action as inspired by the 1938 radio play
of War of the Worlds in the following terms: "We are not a
terrorist or political group, our purpose is not to intimidate or
manipulate society in the very same way as we witness in everyday
real life or media. Regardless of the intentions, whether political
or those of market, companies, or global corporations which secretly
manipulate and exert pressure on their products and ideas through
every channel possible upon the human subconsciouness. Even the
slightest intrusion into this system or appeal on pure human intellect,
and its ability not to be worked upon, is in our opinion harmless
in a democratic country. For this reason the artist group Ztohoven
intruded on the public premises of our capital, Prague, a few years
ago and managed to poach this advertisement territory in principle
as well as the advertisement itself.
On the June 17, 2007 our group invaded the media and television
territory and intruded and poached its truthfulness as well as its
credibility. We pointed out the possible confusion of the media
presented picture of our world for the real one. Is everything that
our media such as newspapers, television, internet offer on daily
basis real truth or reality? It is this idea that our project introduces
to general public; as a sort of reminder to everyone. We truly believe
that the independent territory of television, governed by public
law, is the kind of media which can handle such a thing even at
the cost of self impeachment. Let it be this kind of appeal for
our future and reminder to all forms of media that the truth must
be presented at any cost. We are grateful for an independent media
and an independent territory for society." 2
well as the actual video Media Reality showing the television footage
altered with an atomic explosion and court documents, Art Laboratory
Berlin will present the German premiere of the film On Media Reality
(45', Czech with English subtitles) by Vladimir Turner, a documentary
about the legal and artistic aftermath of the action with until
now unshown images and interviews with representatives from Czech
television, journalists, scholars as well as members of Ztohoven.
Sandra Frimmel
about Ztohoven at http://ztohoven.com/