Runge, Proposal for the Design of Areas in Central Tallinn,
1975, detail |
Wüst, Studies on Modern Living, 2007 |
Koovit, ADAM BP typeface, 2007 |
wäre das Leben leicht (There, Life Would Be Easy)
Tere Recarens
Sirje Runge
Florian Wüst
Killu Sukmit
Mari Laanemets
would an environment appear where everything was in harmony, where
all daily duties and problems found natural solutions? An environment
which freed life from the slavery
of things as Karl Kraus wrote about the work of the architect
Alfred Loos in 1933?
exhibition Hier wäre das Leben leicht/ There, Life
Would Be Easy* deals with questions of design, the arrangement
of environments, the formal character of surfaces, things from which
lifestyles are constructed: from textiles to texts, from facades
to fonts, from interiors to streets and cities.
The gaze is set upon composition, which structures reality and organizes
life. The layout of a newspaper fabricates its sense of being up
to date; TV series delineate behaviour patterns; apartment furnishings
construct identity; fonts formulate content.
artists in the exhibition react attentively and critically to questions
of daily configurations. They analyse the practices of design and
search for possibilities to intervene in these contexts. The examination
of form, order, composition, display and the organization of space
is also applied to the production of new ideas and concepts in the
social context.
view are works by Kadi Estland, Anton Koovit, Tere Recarens, Sirje
Runge, Florian Wüst, Killu Sukmit und Mari Laanemets.
title of the exhibition is a quote by Georges Perec's novel Things
(orig. Les Choses, Paris 1965).
Laanemets (born 1975 in Tallinn) lives in Graz and works as an author
and curator. Recent projects include the exhibition and publication
'Environment, Projects, Concepts. Architects of the Tallinn School
1972-1985' at the Estonian Museum of Architecture (2008). She wrote
her Ph.D. at the Institute of Art History at the Humboldt University
Berlin ('Between Western Modernism and Soviet Avantgarde: Artistic
Practice in Eastern Europe, Estonia as an Example') and is the author
of numerous essays on contemporary art, most recently on Mladen
Stilinovic' in his book 'On Money and Zeroes' (November 2008).