with Anna Dumitriu: 30 November,
Anna Dumitriu - Communicating Bacteria
this practical and discussion-based workshop participants will begin
to learn how to work safely with bacteria as an artistic medium
using commonly available supplies. They will start to develop a
'bacteriocentric' view of the world, understand the textile techniques
used in the exhibition, discuss new advances in clinical microbiology,
and learn more about the artworks in Dumitriu's solo retrospective
"[micro]biologies 1: the bacterial sublime", including
"The Romantic Disease" project which investigates tuberculosis.
The workshop will also look at issues of public engagement in science,
ethics, and the nature of collaborative art/science practice.
Dumitriu Artist talk: 28 September 2014, 3PM
The third exhibition will be a solo retrospective of British artist
Anna Dumitriu, whose work in the field of art and science
brings together historical narratives, cutting edge biomedical research
and an interest in ethical concerns.
is well known for creating "The VRSA Dress" & and
"The MRSA Quilt" which were made from so-called 'superbugs'.
To create those works she grew bacteria onto textiles and used natural
and clinical antibiotics to create patterns (sterilised prior to
exhibition will also include works from her "Romantic Disease"
series which explores the history of tuberculosis (TB) from artistic,
social and scientific perspectives and covers subjects such as superstitions
about the disease, TB's literary and romantic associations, the
development of antibiotics and the latest research into whole-genome
sequencing of mycobacteria.
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