Integrating Nature's elegant solutions into the
design process -
Talk with Dr. Prateep Beed, Co-Founder Biomimicry Germany
e.V. (in English)
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is a creative method for sustainable innovation and product design
in todays world. The key concept of biomimicry is that Nature
- during her 3.8 billion years of existence and constant evolution
- has solved most of our problems in very elegant and clean ways:
Nature masters energy production, water supply / cleaning, food
production, transportation, and cooperation - things we are struggling
Germany e.V. is a team of multi-disciplinary experts using Biomimicry
as a creativity and innovation tool. As such it creates novel solutions
that are sustainable, more efficient and cost-effective thereby
spearheading an entirely new direction. It focuses on design principles
that have been tested by Nature for billions of years and proven
to be successful. It taps upon the huge potential of Nature's wisdom
and solution space using the genius surrounding us.
the Talk Dr. Prateep Beed will try to inspire you to look at nature
with a different eye - as a rich solution space for elegant designs
with local adaptation combined with efficient strategies for sustainable
Prateep Beed, Co-Founder Biomimicry Germany e.V.
A bachelors degree in Industrial Engineering helped Prateep
Beed to learn the basics of innovation & design. Soon he realized
that machine design is far from humanized design since prototypes
often lack the individualism required to cater to the needs of everyone
yet at an individual level. He then pursued a masters degree
in Cognitive Psychology & Neurosciences to better understand
and relate to the human mind. Prateep went on to complete his PhD
in 2010 in Neuroscience thematically focussing on spatial navigation
& decision making. In 2011, he was awarded the Tiburtius-Award
for young investigators doing exceptional research. In 2012, He
co-founded of Biomimicry Germany, a think-and-do-tank to foster
sustainable innovation inspired by nature. At present, he works
as a senior research scientist at the Charité University
Medicine, Berlin.
The talk takes place in the context of the exhibition [macro]biologies
II: organisms