connection to the exhibition:
Artists in Dialog: Al Fadhil & Aissa Deebi
My Dreams Have Destroyed My Life. Some Thoughts on Pain
(29 April -26 June, 2011)
Round Table Discussion Al Tahrir: The Day After, 1 May, 2011,
A Round Table Discussion Al Tahrir: The Day After, 1 May, 2011 (part 1)
A Round Table Discussion Al Tahrir: The Day After, 1 May, 2011 (part 2)
A Round Table Discussion Al
Tahrir: The Day After, 1 May, 2011 (part 3)
January of this year a wave of protests, originating first in Tunisia,
and then in Egypt, have spread across the Arab world. Demonstrators
have demanded democracy and the freedom of expression. How will
the ongoing changes affect the lives artists and cultural production?
What has been the role of politics in the arts in the Middle East
and how might this change? Supposedly new technological media such
as social networking platforms have played an important role in
this year's 'Arab Spring'. Is this really true, and if so what potential
does technology have to foster change as well as aid in inter-cultural
May 1, 2011 at 3PM, in conjunction with the ongoing exhibition My
Dreams Have Destroyed My Life. Some Thoughts on Pain
will be a round table discussion on the cultural and political changes
taking place in the Middle East in the wake of the current wave
of protests. The artists Aissa Deebi, who teaches at the
American University in Cairo, and Al Fadhil will be joined
by Munira Khayyat (Anthropologist), Heiko Wimmen (Political
Scientist) and Christian de Lutz (who will be the moderator)
Deebi is a Palestinian-American artist,who has produced a body
of work in photography, video, new media and the graphic arts. He
is currently assistant professor in visual art, new media at the
Department of Performing and Visual Arts at The American University
in Cairo. An award winning artist, Deebis work has been internationally
exhibited in Germany, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Spain, Chile, Palestine
and the United States.
Fadhil is an artist working in multimedia and performance. He
has staged exhibitions at various venues including the Sharjah Biennale,
Venice Biennale, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, and the Kuandu Museum,
Taipei Since 2003 he has been the initiator of the project 'Iraq
Pavilion'. He currently lives in Lugano Switzerland and Berlin.
Khayyat is a PhD candidate in Anthropology at Columbia University,
New York. She is currently completing her dissertation entitled
A Landscape of War: On the Nature of Conflict in South Lebanon.
An ethnographic inquiry into life in a rural war zone, her dissertation
attends closely to the landscape, its features, practices and rhythms,
to gain an understanding of the ordinary - 'naturalized' - experience
of inhabiting war. From 1998 to 2000 she worked as a journalist.
Wimmen is a PhD fellow at the German Institute for International
and Security Affairs in Berlin. Between 2004 and 2009 he worked
as a Program Manager and Deputy Director at the Middle East Office
of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Beirut. From 2002 to 2004,
he was a professional fellow of the Social Science Research Council,
conducting research on coexistence and conflict in divided cities,
and between 1997 and 2002, he worked as a radio journalist and producer
in Beirut. He specializes in political mobilization and social movements
in divided societies.
de Lutz
(moderator) is Co-Director and Curator at Art Laboratory Berlin.
He studied Art History and Fine Arts at New York University, and
is also an artist working in video installation and new media on
themes of migration, new technology and inter-culturality.
the generous support of:

thanks to:
Nassar, photography assistant, Haifa
Osama Daoud, Project manger and producer, Cairo
Rasha Hillwi, Editor, Ramalah
Katie Siman, research assistant, Haifa
Samlan Natour, Writer, Haifa
Bruce Ferguson, Dean of Huss at the American University in Cairo