by Reiner Maria Matysik |
Maria Matysik, Prototype model from the group inoculi |
Maria Matysik, Prototype model from the group inoculi |
Berlin artist Reiner Maria Matysik (born 1967, Duisburg, Germany)
works in manifold ways with concepts for future organisms. In the
course of the last years he has created his own new system of post-evolutionary
life forms at the borderline between art and biology. In his installations,
videos, actions and publications the term "biological sculpture",
coined by Matysik himself, plays a vital role.
the last years Matysik has developed prototypes for future life
forms. These models were systematically collected and classified
according to their qualities (size, weight, sex, extremities, needs,
way of life, etc.). In his publication WESEN (BEING), which was
published by Gutleut in Frankfurt/ Main in 2007, he presents the
so-called inoculi (eyeless ones), the leucobionts and several forms
of the micro-organisms, all invented by himself. On the basis of
microbiology and Carl Linneaus' system of classification, Matysik
invents a new form of iconography with powerful aesthetic qualities.
part of the exhibition series "Art and Science" Matysik
will show, in his exhibition Failed Organisms, newly produced
prototype models for future organisms. In contrast
to their predecessors, which promised new viable qualities as phenotypes
of new life, the ones in Failed Organisms are very weak and
therefore doomed to failure. In strong contrast to this concept
of failure, which is already mirrored by the exhibition title, is
the video biofakte (2008): here the hopeful proclamation
of future forms of life predicts a brave new world of unknown seminal
and viable organisms. Other works by Matysik also question the area
of conflict between the utopian hopes and failures of a biotechnological
are essential artistic strategies both in the visual implementation,
e.g. the aesthetic quality of the objects, and in its linguistic
form, e.g. the specific lexic of the discription of his prototypes.
With these strategies Matysik inscribes himself in the space between
the scholarly world of biotechnology and one of pseudoscientific
The Organisms Are Failing.
Notes on the Visual and Linguistic Strategies of Postevolutionary
Scenarios in the Work of Reiner Maria Matysik
exhibition Failed Organisms has travelled to Moscow, showing at
Art & Science Space
(26 November 2009 - 24 January 2010)
to the exhibition at Laboratoria Art & Science Space, Moscow,
November 2009,